Spiritual Essences10 mL

China Essence 10ml


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Both the Amazon and China Essences take you beyond matter and integrate the divine...


Both the Amazon and China Essences take you beyond matter and integrate the divine masculine and feminine. The China Essence addresses not only the massive destruction, degradation and pollution of the environment that is occurring in China but also the cultural pollution – the loss of the old cultural ways, ancestry and lineages. There is also the loss of the connection with Spirit and disconnection from the land, as so many Chinese are taken away from their land and their ancestral roots. There is a deep sadness on the Earth in China. These problems are particularly extreme in China but prevalent throughout all cultures.
This Essence is a heart-opening remedy that can heal, on a deep soul level, your own grief arising from this loss of connection that is held in the collective consciousness.
China traditionally is a country of great peace and it best represents the divine feminine energy which has a profound stillness to it that is literally beyond matter, but it has been overlaid with layers of conquest, of endurance, and now the current layer of materialism and busy-ness. This Essence helps you to attain peace and calm, aligns you back to the feminine spirituality of the Earth and strengthens your connection to Spirit.

Positive Outcome

  • Restores balance back into your life between the busyness of the world and the deep stillness of contemplation within yourself.
  • Brings the gift of feeling peaceful and calm.
  • Helps you deal with karmic overload in this life allowing you to forgive yourself, which will help let go of guilt and karma.
  • Allows you to tap deep within your psyche into your inner knowing, which leads to a trust in the grand cosmic scheme of things and a sense that all is right in the world.
  • Strengthens your connection to Nature and the Earth.

We come into balance when both the divine feminine and masculine are present. When the divine feminine is absent, humanity loses its connection to the natural rhythms of life and the divine masculine cannot hold the balance. Without the peace and stillness of one, the other becomes more active, busier – dashing all over the place creating anything and everything trying to make up for what is missing and so both are lost.
The frequency of the Earth is changing. Consequently, many people are now feeling that they can’t keep up and that they are pressured beyond belief as if it is all too much. This is only likely to intensify as time goes on, especially for those who have karma that requires them to claim old pain and suffering. The China Essence is a balm for anxious souls and will also help these people forgive themselves, which will help them let go of guilt and karma. Karma is an attitude that can be melted and evaporated with real love.
The Amazon and China Essences work hand in hand. Both take you beyond matter, anchor and integrate the divine feminine and masculine and help strengthen our connection to Nature and the Earth. The effect of one Essence is enhanced by the other.
Preparation of Dosage Bottles
Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.
Recommended Dosage
Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.


Vibrational essence, Brandy (21-23% alcohol), Purified Water.

How To Use

Preparation of Dosage Bottles:

Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.

Our health philosophy

The story begins
with a Single Essence

China Essence 10ml China Essence 10ml
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China Essence 10ml China Essence 10ml

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