Gift Set

Bush Essences Education Gift Set


Discover the power of Australian Bush Flower Essences with our Bush Essences Education Gift...


Discover the power of Australian Bush Flower Essences with our Bush Essences Education Gift Set. This set includes the Flower Insight Cards and the updated Australian Bush Flower Remedies Reference Book.

The Flower Insight Cards, developed in 1997, showcase the vibrant beauty of 70 different Essences. These full-color cards offer insight into the healing qualities of each flower, following the Doctrine of Signatures. Use them for intuitive selection, divination, or even contact healing. They provide a unique way to choose Essences and uncover hidden aspects of your life.

Ian White's New Reference Book features stunning color photographs of all 69 Australian Bush Essence Flowers in their natural environment. These images capture the essence's vibrancy and healing potential. Use the book to deepen your understanding of each flower's healing qualities based on shape and color, in alignment with the ancient Doctrine of Signatures. It's a valuable tool for both practitioners and patients, aiding Essence selection.

Explore the wonders of Australian Bush Flower Essences and enhance your healing journey with the Bush Essences Education Gift Set.

Our health philosophy

The story begins
with a Single Essence

Bush Essences Education Gift Set Bush Essences Education Gift Set
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Bush Essences Education Gift Set Bush Essences Education Gift Set

Trusted in households since 1986