Ian's Update

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Ian's February 2024 Newsletter

February 06, 2024
Discover the power of Numerology in 2024 with a Universal Year 8. Experience independence, wisdom and prosperity as you embrace change and new beginnings. Make 2024 Your Best Year Ever
Ian's February 2024 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
2024 Essence 30ml

2024 Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesDoubtNegative PatternsOverconcernPowerlessness


ReleasesDoubtNegative PatternsOverconcernPowerlessness
Angelsword - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication


ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication
Boab - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesEnmeshment in negative patterns Recipients of abuse
EnhancesPersonal freedomClearing negative Karmic connections


ReleasesEnmeshment in negative patterns Recipients of abuse
EnhancesPersonal freedomClearing negative Karmic connections
Sturt Desert Pea - Australia

Sturt Desert Pea

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving


EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving
Pink Mulla Mulla - Australia

Pink Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up


ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up
Waratah - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesInability to respond


ReleasesInability to respond
Bluebell - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesBelief in abundanceUniversal trustJoyful sharing


EnhancesBelief in abundanceUniversal trustJoyful sharing

Abund Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Abund Essence Aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage, and poverty consciousness. In so doing, it allows you to be open to fully receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial.

Abund Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust

$28.00 $24.00

ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Abund Oral Spray 30ml

Abund Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Bush Iris - Australia

Bush Iris

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust


ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust
Purifying Essence 30ml

Purifying Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesDisconnectedEmotional WasteEmotional Baggage
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned


ReleasesDisconnectedEmotional WasteEmotional Baggage
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned
Experience the transformative power of Purifying Essence, clearing the way for emotional availability, openness, intimacy, and personal growth.

Purifying Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesDisconnectedHeld Back
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned

$28.00 $24.00

ReleasesDisconnectedHeld Back
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned
Purifying Oral Spray 30ml

Purifying Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 ml
ReleasesDisconnectedHeld Back
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned


ReleasesDisconnectedHeld Back
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
Dog Rose - Australia

Dog Rose

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesConfidenceBelief in selfCourage


EnhancesConfidenceBelief in selfCourage
Sunshine Wattle - Australia

Sunshine Wattle

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future


ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future
Organic Space Clearing Essence Skin & Space Mist 50ml

Space Clearing Space Mist

Remedy Mist50 ml
ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy


ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy
Organic Space Clearing Essence Skin & Space Mist 100ml

Space Clearing Space Mist 100ml

Remedy Mist100 ml
ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy


ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy

For all of 2024 everyone is going to be influenced by the energy of a Universal Year 8, which is part of a nine-year cycle. To determine what Universal Year we are in, add up the individual numbers of the year. ie 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8. In 2025 we will be in the Universal Year 9 and the following year it will be a Universal Year 1 and the cycle continues.

My numerology teacher, from back in the 1970s, David Phillips, described the Year 8 as being a year of independence, wisdom and prosperity.

In this nine-year cycle, nine represents the beginning of the cycle. Nine is a wonderful time for change and new beginnings. This could be changing where you live, changing careers etc. Sometimes people will have a seed sown for change in this year but may not actually implement it until they are in the Year 1.

If there is going to be major change, then it’s often accompanied by increased financial costs. The preceding Year 8 is a great time for abundance and prosperity to help fund any changes that may occur in a Year 9. Eight is a very lucky number and strongly connected to financial wellbeing and abundance in many cultures, especially Chinese.

Year 8s are often marked by a lot of sudden change as we leave the slower, consolidating trough of a Year 7.  A Year 8 marks the beginning of a five-year period which brings a great deal of growth. The Year 4 will be consolidation time again, allowing us to integrate and assimilate the changes over those previous five years.

In Numerology, Eight is the highest number on the emotional plane. Individuals with the number eight prominent in their numerology chart are considered to be the wisest people, with a very good ability to organise others and understanding of money and finance. They make excellent counsellors as they have the natural wisdom needed to help others. Individuals who have the number eight prominent in their chart also value their independence very highly. All of these qualities associated with eight will also be available and felt strongly by people in a Universal Year 8. 


In January we launched a new Combination Remedy, our 2024 Essence. It’s the first time I have chosen to create a Remedy for the Universal Year we are in. It felt very important to do it for this year as there is going to be a lot happening both physically and metaphysically this year.

I selected eight Bush Essences for this transformative remedy. Tailored to empower you, this essence is also designed to enrich your experience across all twelve months, fostering a profound connection to the energies and potential that will define you and the year 2024. Hopefully, it will enable you to optimise your experience throughout all twelve months of this year.

Imagine the eight chosen Essences as spokes on a large wheel, turning seamlessly and offering myriad entry points on all levels – emotional, spiritual etc.

The 2024 Essence acts as a catalyst, building courage and resilience. It encourages you to be brave and look within, guiding you to identify areas in need of strengthening and to dissolve difficulties, doubts and concerns that may arise from doing this delving.

This transformative Essence empowers you to identify and express your feelings courageously. Simultaneously, it opens the door to fully receiving and embracing the Light, facilitating a harmonious alignment with the spiritual energies around us which abound at the moment.

Below is a list of each of the eight Essences and the rationale why each was chosen.


Angelsword: It’s exceptionally important for razor sharp discernment in this current climate. It has never been more important for people, especially younger generations, to be aware of what's really going on and to find their voice in valuing and protecting the environment, our sovereign rights and resisting the push for a global totalitarian regime favouring the elite.

There is so much misinformation coming from the media and our governments. We have seen this so much in these last four years and it will certainly continue, if not get worse. Another important quality of the Year 8 is wisdom and discernment is an important aspect of wisdom.

The greatest wisdom comes from Source and your Higher Self. Angelsword enhances your connection to Spirit and communication from your Higher Self with both being critically important at this time. 


Boab: So many people today are not only working on clearing their own emotional patterns and baggage but are also working on uncleared family ancestral patterns which continue being passed down the generations. Boab does exactly this and is for me the deepest acting of the Bush Essences. When you consider the profound healing qualities of Essences such as Waratah, Sturt Desert Pea and Pink Mulla Mulla to name but a few, then you know what a big call this is.


Bluebell: Is a key remedy of this combination and the Abund Essence. What better Universal Year than a Year 8 to be working with both these Essences. Bluebell assists with opening the heart, generosity and sharing with others. It brings about a deep understanding of abundance and a trust that there is always enough of everything for everyone. The removal of scarcity that this Essence helps to create within one, allows for that joy of sharing and removes the concern of there not being enough and holding on tightly to everything you have. Doing this blocks the flow of abundance passing through you, as you literally block and shut down that flow.

Bush Iris

Bush Iris: Like Angelsword, this Essence helps you to have a stronger, deeper connection to Spirit and the Spiritual Realm. It assists you to be aware of the non-physical and to be not too focused on the physical or overly materialistic. A Universal Year 8 is the easiest time in the nine-year cycle to increase your economic wellbeing. The reason being that the money easily flowing in during the 8 Year can help prepare and finance you for any major changes in the following Year 9, which is the beginning of a new cycle. If you use all this newfound wealth of the Year 8 by simply buying things and having fun spending your money, then you can negate this opportunity to successfully move into and create change in the new cycle.

Bush Iris is also a very powerful detoxifier and is a very vital component of the Purifying Essence for this reason. We have all been bombarded by so much more toxicity in recent years and this further swayed me to make it one of the eight essences.


Calophyllum: The first new Bush Essence in 19 years! Essences come down when there is the need in society and there is absolutely a need today for the qualities that Calophyllum brings.

This essence helps one to develop and activate one’s leadership qualities, which are not dependent on age or experience. They are inspiring leaders, not only do they want to point out the way, but they want to unite and bring others with them. “Come on, this is the way, let’s go!” is their clarion call. They care about others and want what's best for everyone. They have a strong sense of morality, what's right and will fight for this.

This Essence gets you out of your comfort zone and pushes you to stand up and do what’s best needed for the community.

Calophyllum fosters a strong connection to Spirit, which gives one certainty in knowing where one is going and what one should do. They have tremendous resilience, determination and focus, nothing is going to stop them. They have an ancient, strong, ferocious, warrior energy and they won't let anything get in the way of where they're going.

Great divisions have been deliberately created between people in these last four years; “Oh you support that political party, I’m not going to talk to you.” “Oh, you got vaccinated, you’re stupid, I’m not going to talk to you;” “You’re a conspiracy theorist, I’m not going to talk to you.” Calophyllum allows for tolerance and the willingness to be open to hearing another’s different points of view.

Dog Rose

Dog Rose: This Essence has been included because it helps one deal with things one is overly concerned by. This is very widespread, especially in those under the age of 30. Dog Rose encourages confidence, belief in self and courage. It is also in the Purifying Essence.

Sunshine Wattle

Sunshine Wattle: In 2023, a Universal Year 7, many people were challenged in areas of health, money and relationships. It can be a very difficult year as any lessons you need to learn will be bought to you, often quite brutally. It seems that these challenges and difficulties, especially financial ones, were widely felt. Many people stoically struggled on, but things were particularly grim financially and there didn’t seem to be much light at the end of the tunnel. This Essence will provide hope and optimism, especially in relation to one’s financial situation. Any expectation that the difficulties from last year will continue occurring this year will have a very negative impact on your ability to create abundance. Sunshine Wattle will also provide hope and optimism that other areas you are feeling oppressed or despondent about can change for the better. These people haven’t given up, but they are not really expecting things to get much better in their life.


Waratah: This is the essence to always think of first of if someone is going through a ‘dark night of the soul’. It provides tremendous courage, faith and trust, while also providing great adaptability. Waratah is for emergencies and great challenges. It will allow one to deal with any challenge that gets thrown one’s way and I think the globalists are planning a few new surprises for us. The good news is that they won't be successful and it's very much their last throw of the dice. However, the only way that they will leave is for them to be dragged out kicking and screaming. However, we do need to be awake as to what is being planned for us and to fight for our humanity and sovereignty.

A final suggestion to start the new year is to spray your home throughout with the Space Clearing Mist to create a clean, pristine energetic environment for you and your loved ones.

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