Spiritual Essences10 ml

Antarctic Essence 10ml


The Antarctic Essence allows you to be aware of what is really necessary in...


The Antarctic Essence allows you to be aware of what is really necessary in your life and in the situations that you are encountering. It enables you to feel tremendous calm, peace and stillness within yourself. This Essence releases those things that are not essential to you and that take you away from your inner peace and being at one with nature. The purity of Antarctica and the Antarctic Essence assists you to find your own pure essence – the very core of yourself – and to let go of whatever takes you from this timeless, clear-centred part of yourself. It allows you to go deeply into things and not get distracted; to see the core of things and what’s important. If you are too distracted it will help to pull you back into harmony.
Another key aspect of the Antarctic Essence is that it will reveal to you aspects of yourself that are very deep and hidden – what is referred to sometimes as ‘old dark crystals’. This Essence will bring light to them and dissolve these old patterns and beliefs (which may have been formed in ancient times or may be early beliefs developed this lifetime). Their dissolution will support you to trust Spirit, to trust your path and show you the necessary new steps.

Positive Outcome
  • Allows you to feel tremendous calm, peace and stillness within yourself.
  • Enables you to be aware of and enhances your vision of what is necessary and essential.
  • Helps reveal and dissolve very deep and hidden aspects of yourself.
  • Connects one to both the Wisdom of the Ancients and your ancient past.
  • To trust Spirit and the unfolding of your life and its direction.
  • Assists you to find your own core, pure essence.

The Antarctic Essence can also help you to connect to the wisdom of the Ancients as well as your own ancient past and the communication of anything needed from that time. It enables you to find the patience to be very still. This will lead you to trust in the unfolding of your life and its direction with openness to these new revelations and a willingness to seek and follow them, even when dealing with major change.
There’s a deep stillness that can come with trust in life, nature and God, which when achieved will help you find your own peace and stillness, and allow you to be able to stay in this state more readily. This Essence can help in the clarity of both your vision for what is necessary and essential in your life, as well as your communication of it.

Preparation of Dosage Bottles
Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.
Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.

How To Use

Preparation of Dosage Bottles:

Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.

Our health philosophy

The story begins
with a Single Essence

Antarctic Essence 10ml Antarctic Essence 10ml
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Antarctic Essence 10ml Antarctic Essence 10ml

Trusted in households since 1986