Via this set of 4 DVDs, you can now:
- Have all the Level 2 workshop material at your fingertips
- Access material not found in Ian White's books
- Watch the workshop in the comfort of your own home as often as you want
Share the unique experience of Ian's two-day Level 2 workshop, which includes these topics:
- An in-depth analysis of 21 Bush Essences
- Inspiring new research and developments
- Discovering and learning how to master the Five Steps of Abundance
- Sharing and discussion of case histories
- Open forum and question time
- Energy and Flower Attunements
- Working with and tuning into Nature Spirits and Devas together with their crucial role in a plant's life cycle
- Exploring and expanding on emotional issues relating to themes such as sexuality, anger, sadness, spirituality
- Guided meditations and artwork
Continuing Practitioner Education
This course accrues the following points with these nationally recognised professional practitioner bodies:
ANTA (Australia) 15 points
ATMS (Australia) 8 points