Spiritual Essences10 ml

Lake Baikal Essence 10ml


When Lemurian civilisation chose to abandon spirituality for sensuality and pleasure, the energy on...


When Lemurian civilisation chose to abandon spirituality for sensuality and pleasure, the energy on the planet dropped and became denser. Lake Baikal holds that original energy prior to the density developing when the Earth and humanity flowed fully and clearly from the stillness of their hearts that was at one with the Divine. The Lake Baikal Essence allows you to access this pure uncorrupted peacefulness and pure 'at onement'.

The remedy, by capturing the pristine, energetic essence of Baikal engenders faith and trust in life and a calmness and acceptance of unfolding change. This Essence is timely as it can accelerate understanding and opening to the new energies of unity, global oneness, balance and harmony – all of which will greatly help us with the changes that are starting to happen around us on all levels. It is very important if you want to move smoothly through any upcoming changes that you start to really spiritually nurture yourself and open to a deeper level particularly within your heart center, which this Essence will assist in.

The Lake Baikal Essence helps one to find and balance the Divine masculine and feminine within themselves. The male emotional body has, over time, become compressed and non-elastic. Basically the mental body took over in order for men to feel 'in control'. With this emotional suppression has come violence, sexual perversion and heart dis-ease.

Positive Outcome

  • Engenders faith and trust in life and a calmness and acceptance of unfolding change.

  • Connects you to the stillness of your heart and to a source of pure oneness with the Divine.

  • Helps you to be in the world but not of it, and to be less influenced by mass consciousness.

  • Develops a level of understanding and deeper opening of the heart.

  • Accelerates understanding and opening to the new energies of unity, co-operation and co-creation around you.

  • Assists you in finding a balance between the divine masculine and feminine within yourself.

  • Restores your sense of self, purpose and joy.

  • Allows for extremely deep inner healing.

This Essence can connect a man to his intuitive power and help him to feel and express emotions without him becoming feminine. The Essence acts as a tap allowing the release of pain, anger and self-judgement. The remedy transmutes these poisons and replaces them with a sense of stillness and belonging.

For a woman, the Lake Baikal Essence helps her to find her Yang, her power and to understand that she has always had that power. Her Divine Yang is the power of Love, the power of creation. She won't find her Yang by imitating the out-of-balance masculine or trying to be like a man. The more the woman goes into the feminine the more she will naturally reach her masculine.

Mass consciousness is comprised of the mental and emotional energies of every member of humanity. The Lake Baikal Essence maintains your ability to be in the world but not of it. It enables you to be in that pure still energy of being at one, so you are less influenced and invaded by mass consciousness and so less likely to make judgements and react.

Preparation of Dosage Bottles
Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.

How To Use

Preparation of Dosage Bottles:

Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.

Our health philosophy

The story begins
with a Single Essence

Lake Baikal Essence 10ml Lake Baikal Essence 10ml
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Lake Baikal Essence 10ml Lake Baikal Essence 10ml

Trusted in households since 1986