Spiritual Essences10 ml

Rainbow Essence 10ml


Taking the Rainbow Essence prior to taking Solar Logos Essence can allow for a...


Taking the Rainbow Essence prior to taking Solar Logos Essence can allow for a gentler experience of the latter as you will be more grounded and centred to receive this powerful energy.

Positive Outcome:
  • Allows the Christ Light to radiate deep down into the darkest places of your psyche to find qualities that may have been lost, buried or hidden.
  • By absorbing every colour into your body, heart and mind, it brings you deep understanding, healing and love from the Sources.
  • Makes you aware of your potential and to realise that anything is possible and that you can do anything.
  • Allows you to expand to feel yourself as a being of Light, connected to the Divine.
  • Is nurturing of your auric field and soul evolution.
  • Helps you to remember and to embody the glory, beauty, love and the limitless potential that is your Soul’s essence.
  • Creates a feeling of support, protection and being nurtured
    Assists you to manifest the new way upon the earth - that of cooperation, love, respect, appreciation, peace and harmony.

Preparation of Dosage Bottles
Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage 

Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.


Vibrational essence, Brandy (21-23% alcohol), Purified Water.

How To Use

Preparation of Dosage Bottles:

Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml dropper bottle or fourteen (14) drops into a 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Recommended Dosage: Seven (7) drops on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.

Our health philosophy

The story begins
with a Single Essence

Rainbow Essence 10ml Rainbow Essence 10ml
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Rainbow Essence 10ml Rainbow Essence 10ml

Trusted in households since 1986