Ian's Update

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Ian’s June 2023 Newsletter

June 13, 2023
Ian’s June 2023 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Freshwater Mangrove - Australia

Freshwater Mangrove

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesPrejudices that have been taught not experienced
EnhancesOpenness to new experiences & people


ReleasesPrejudices that have been taught not experienced
EnhancesOpenness to new experiences & people
Meditation Essence 30ml

Meditation Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesPsychic AttackPsychically DrainedDamaged Aura
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation


ReleasesPsychic AttackPsychically DrainedDamaged Aura
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation
Little Flannel Flower - Australia

Little Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults


ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults
Bush Fuchsia - Australia

Bush Fuchsia

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSwitched offNervous public speakingClumsy
EnhancesCourage to speak outIn touch with intuitionClarity


ReleasesSwitched offNervous public speakingClumsy
EnhancesCourage to speak outIn touch with intuitionClarity
Sundew - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesIndecisiveLack of focusDaydreaming
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present


ReleasesIndecisiveLack of focusDaydreaming
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present
Electro Essence 30ml

Electro Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesFeeling FlatOut of Balance With Earth Rhythms
EnhancesHarmonySense of Well-BeingProtection


ReleasesFeeling FlatOut of Balance With Earth Rhythms
EnhancesHarmonySense of Well-BeingProtection
Petite Angel Pendant, light purple glass

Angel Pendant Petite Light Purple

ReleasesDamage to Aura


ReleasesDamage to Aura
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
Focus Essence 30ml

Focus Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
EnhancesClarityFocusAssimilates Ideas


EnhancesClarityFocusAssimilates Ideas
Fringed Violet - Australia

Fringed Violet

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection


ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection
Jacaranda Essence helps individuals who struggle with indecision and constantly change their activities, providing clarity and focus to complete tasks. Unlike Sundew, which is for dreamers, Jacaranda is specifically for those who dither and are always changing their minds.


Single Essences15 ml


Black-eyed Susan - Australia

Black-eyed Susan

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesImpatienceOvercommittedConstant striving
EnhancesSlowing downInner peace


ReleasesImpatienceOvercommittedConstant striving
EnhancesSlowing downInner peace
Sturt Desert Pea - Australia

Sturt Desert Pea

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving


EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving
Crowea - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesA sense of being not quite right
EnhancesPeace calm & balanceClarity of feelings


ReleasesA sense of being not quite right
EnhancesPeace calm & balanceClarity of feelings
Illawarra Flame Tree - Australia

Illawarra Flame Tree

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSense of rejectionUncomfortable with responsibility
EnhancesConfidenceCommitmentSelf-reliance & approval


ReleasesSense of rejectionUncomfortable with responsibility
EnhancesConfidenceCommitmentSelf-reliance & approval

The children of this millennium are very different and certainly far more evolved than children born in previous centuries. Many remember who they were in past lives and being back in the Spirit realm between their earthly lives. The new millennium children are very spiritually gifted. Many are clairvoyant and have the ability to tune in to the more subtle realms that most adults don’t even recognise or understand. This is a generation of mystics and seers, who are bringing gifts, talents and skills that have not been around for a very, very long time. The essence Freshwater Mangrove can help us, as parents and adults, to be more open to these different ways of doing and seeing. The Meditation Essence can support the child in developing their awareness - and help parents be more aware too. However, no matter how spiritually in tune these children are, it is important to allow them to have their childhood and their play. Little Flannel Flower is a wonderful essence for this.


Children at around 3 or 4 are very psychically aware, but unless they are encouraged this tends to fade after about the age of six. Little Flannel Flower can help them to get back that ability if they have lost it. It will also help those technologically geared children who just want to sit at their computers all day to be playful and move around. Many of these children have an aptitude and passion for computers and technology. Bush Fuchsia and Sundew can also help when they are spaced out after too much time in front of a screen. The Electro Essence Remedy or Pendant will help protect them from the negative effects of their phone or screens.



So many of these children also have not only (and this is going to be quite crucial for the survival of this planet) a strong affinity, love and respect for Earth and Nature, but also a willingness to fight to preserve our fauna, flora and environment. The new Calophyllum essence will help develop this quality. These children will not want to damage Earth, but work with it and understand it at a level we haven’t seen for a long time. Overall, these millennium children are staying more permanently in their right brain than their predecessors and so tend to be more intuitive and creative. The traditional learning models they receive at schools are not often very suitable and they can struggle. The Focus Essence combination will help them immensely. So many of these children experience all their emotions very strongly and are very empathetic. They have great compassion and many are very good natural healers who want to help others- though they can get quite tired, or even exhausted, as they can take on the pain of those around them. For example, if they massage someone with a sore shoulder, they may also develop a sore shoulder. An excellent remedy for closing themselves off and protecting themselves from other people’s thoughts and feelings is Fringed Violet.


The Australian Bush Flower Essences are especially suited for this current generation of very loving, gentle, spiritually gifted children. They respond wonderfully to the higher vibration present in the Bush Essences, which work extremely quickly on children, as they don’t have as many emotional blocks and barriers as adults. They are gentle and have no side effects, making them a perfect remedy for children and babies. Also, anyone can use them, you don’t have to be medically or naturopathically trained to recognise when your child is suffering from low self-esteem, insecurity or sorrow. It has always been my goal for every household to have the Australian Bush Flower Essences so that all family members can enjoy a better quality of life. Most importantly, I want children brought up with Bush Essences so that they keep their hearts open and have the courage, strength and enthusiasm to follow and pursue their goals and dreams. I always ask participants in my workshops if anyone grew up being given flower essences by their parents, and though it’s very uncommon to find anyone who had such a benefit, all appreciate how much easier their childhood would have been if the essences had been available to help them during all the difficult times that we all experience as children. I have been using numerology for over forty years, and I have done the numerology chart of every patient I have ever treated. It is an invaluable tool, providing a very quick, accurate, easy way to understand the personality, strengths and challenges of an individual. In young children born since the year 2000, we are now seeing unusual numerological patterns, that in some cases, haven’t been seen for over one thousand years. The first step in numerology is to write down the birthdate. Each number in the birthdate has its specific place on a grid and is always stored there.

Each number in the birthdate has its specific place on a grid and is always stored there.

The tenth numeral, zero, does not have a place on the grid, but rather represents spiritual potential. All the children born in this century will have at least one zero in their birth date. Many will have two or more zeros. The Meditation Essence is a wonderful tool to help activate this potential. It is very common for children who have been born in the new millennium to have no numbers on the physical plane i.e., they are missing the numbers 1,4 & 7 in their birthdate. The greatest challenge these children will face is in leading focused, orderly lives. It is likely that they will also have to battle the tendency of being overly theoretical or idealistic and not completing projects. Jacaranda will address a tendency towards dithering or being scattered, with their attention being taken to a new area before they have finished their current task. Black-eyed Susan will help these children learn patience.



For a child born on the 16th of March 2019, if you were doing their numerology chart, you would express this as 16.3.2019. Then each of the numerals would be written down in its specific place on the grid:

For a child born on the 16th of March 2019, the numerals would be written down in its specific place on the grid.

Every child born this Millennium will have at least one two in their birthdate. The Number 2 represents sensitivity, intuition and co-operation. People who have two or more 2s in their birth charts have a very high degree of sensitivity which may cause them to be very easily hurt. They may be wounded by actions and comments that others would ignore. Remedies that can help them are Fringed Violet for strengthening their psychic protection, Sturt Desert Pea for long-held, deep sorrows; Crowea to encourage a calm and centred state; Illawarra Flame Tree to ease feelings of rejection and of course Fringed Violet for psychic protection.


I am very optimistic about the future of our planet, for when these children with their inherent qualities of intuition, sensitivity and cooperation mature and reach positions of influence in government, education, business and the arts, they will be able to greatly influence our society in a very positive way. After the violence of the last century, the children coming through now are our hope and our future and I see the role of Australian Bush Flower Essences as one of assistance in helping these children fulfil their highest potential and destiny. I am sure the Bush Essences will bring great benefit to you and to the children you love.

Much Love, Light & Respect

Ian White

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