Ian's Update

12 min read

Ian's June 2020 Newsletter

June 09, 2020
Dive into the transformative power of Australian Bush Flower Essences in navigating the current global crisis. While Carers and Boost target immediate concerns, Ian sheds light on the often overlooked realm of spirituality. Discover how the Spiritual Essence collection guides Light Workers to explore deeper aspects of self and elevate into higher realms amidst uncertainty.
Ian's June 2020 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Carer's Essence empowers caregivers, fostering inner strength and resilience in the face of overwhelm. It cultivates calmness, optimism, coping abilities, and encourages self-care, ensuring their own needs are attended to.

Carer's Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength

$28.00 $24.00

ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength
Boost Essence has been specifically formulated to support and boost you through changing and challenging times.

Boost Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesOverwhelmFeeling Out of SortsEnergy Sensitive

$28.00 $24.00

ReleasesOverwhelmFeeling Out of SortsEnergy Sensitive
Gaia Essence 10ml

Gaia Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Divine Presence Essence Pack

Divine Presence Essence Pack

Spiritual Essences

$98.00 $82.00

Solar Logos Essence 10ml

Solar Logos Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Isis Essence 10ml

Isis Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Rainbow Essence 10ml

Rainbow Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Sundew - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesIndecisiveLack of focusDaydreaming
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present


ReleasesIndecisiveLack of focusDaydreaming
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present
Earth Essence 10ml

Earth Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Lake Baikal Essence 10ml

Lake Baikal Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Mt. Pinatubo 10ml

Mt. Pinatubo 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Madagascar Essence 10ml

Madagascar Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Awakens one’s spirituality and allows one to go deeper into any religious or spiritual practice. Enhances access to the Higher Self whilst providing psychic protection and healing of the aura. Highly recommended for anyone practicing meditation.

Meditation Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesFeeling BlockedSpiritual Confusion
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation

$28.00 $24.00

ReleasesFeeling BlockedSpiritual Confusion
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation


Ian on top of Putucusi Mountain, Peru after making the Angelic Essence.

In the past couple of months, I have been discussing primarily how the Australian Bush Flower Essences are able to help us deal with issues arising from the crisis we are all experiencing around the world. Carers and Boost, our two new remedies, have been created to deal with this specific situation, especially in relation to the overwhelm; concern for the economy, loved ones, getting sick and the great uncertainty of what has been unfolding. However, this is also a time where the Light Workers are needing a great deal of support, as they are doing a lot more work in this crucial time.

So, today I want to focus on an equally important area – the Spiritual – and to remind you of how we can take advantage of this transformative time in an extremely beneficial way working with our three Spiritual ranges of Essences. They can help lift you out of the reality of the virus and direct you inwards, to discover other aspects of yourself. These Spiritual Essences can lift you into the higher realms of your being, the source of your being.

I see all the remedies, Bush Essences, White Light, Light Frequency and Divine Presence Essences as being an amazing garden from which you can choose for yourself whatever you are needing, on whatever level - emotional, mental, spiritual etc. At this point in time I see there being a tremendous need for focusing on the Spiritual.

There is a huge story unfolding in our world at the moment, the Light and the Dark, the High and the Low, all being brought together in this one unprecedented event. One that has been much expected and awaited and offers an open doorway for the evolution of all of humanity, which some will take while others won’t see or understand. There is great polarity at this time in the world.

In the January newsletter I mentioned we are in a global Year Four, which is a great time for slowing down, relaxing, taking plenty of rest and generally looking after yourself on a physical level. With the world in lockdown people have been doing exactly this, being less busy, travelling less and generally making sure they're healthy and their immune system is strong. It’s also been a very beneficial time for the planet with less pollution stemming from industry and humanity’s busyness. It’s a good thing too, as we have been coming very close to the point of the maximum level of pollution on the Earth, where life can continue to thrive. Humanity needs to find a connection, harmony and peace with Mother Earth or Gaia, to be aligned with the consciousness of Gaia.

This is exactly the reason why the Gaia Essence was brought through by Spirit in connection with Gaia herself. She sees herself as “our Mother” and she is raising her consciousness in response from the creative impulses Of the solar rays emanating from the Heart of the Divine. Gaia wants us, as “her children,” to also raise our consciousness and evolve with her. This impulse is going throughout the whole universe and we are entering a new cycle. It occurs every 64,000 years. I have written about this in the December 2015 Newsletter in relation to the Solar Logos Essence

Right now, we are seeing a huge surge of love, light and spiritual impetus flooding in on the golden rays of the Solar Logos. The level of White Light and Christ Consciousness flowing down to us is increasing. We have started a process, which may take anywhere from thirty to fifty years, to move from the third dimension through to the fourth. It is a very intense time right now. You can be experiencing quite major swings ranging from spiritual bliss when in touch with the higher vibrations and then finding yourself feeling physically exhausted, back in the depths of the third dimension where many are also working, both consciously, though mainly unconsciously, on shifting and clearing their own karma, which can be very heavy. There is also an additional layer with the intentional propagation of fear being used as a way of controlling people, which is, at the moment, very insidious and successful. This time is a test, an initiation for us to pursue a higher vibration despite the attack, being told lies and the effort to control. The Isis Essence is wonderful to work with when caught up in any of these intense or negative emotions. Isis, the Divine Mother, the Divine Feminine, is a spiritual being whose message to us is, “Give me your pain, give me your suffering and I’ll give you love and courage.”

The Solar Logos Essence brings in the light and brings up to the surface our spiritual blockages so they can be dissolved. It’s a fantastic time to be working with this Essence as there is such a flood of spiritual energies flooding on to the Earth at the moment and this Essence will help you to really make the most of this current opportunity. For those who want the same effect but who want to do it in a gentler manner I would recommend working with the Rainbow Essence prior to starting the Solar Logos. My other recommendation is that before taking Solar Logos you have at least a two week period of taking the Gaia Essence to help ground and anchor you so you can more readily take in, assimilate and utilise the Solar Logos energy.

There are so many Beings of Light focussed on the Earth at the moment, to ensure the best outcome for the Earth and all beings on it. They are here to assist us to evolve and to decrease the density of light on the planet, to help us feel One with the Universe. They are here, literally millions of souls, to help us to create a new world and bring in the Christ Light and to help us more fully incarnate our Higher Self and to more fully express love. No matter what is going on in the world you are safe and protected and no one can hurt you if you are radiating your spiritual light. It is also important to keep very grounded and connected to Nature (Sundew, Earth Essence, Gaia Essence) as well as being open to receiving these spiritual energies available to us. Lake Baikal Essence is another remedy to open us up to and avail ourselves to all these radiant energies. Mt Pinatubo Essence especially, along with all of the Divine Presence Essences, helps you to bring through more of your Higher Self, your pure essence and to remember who you are.

Another very crucial and relevant remedy to consider is the Madagascar Essence. The most important healing quality of this Essence is its potential to remove limiting beliefs around our health and wellbeing that we absorb from mass consciousness. The latter is the accumulation of every thought and feeling from everyone who has ever lived on this planet. Every child when born takes on, almost by osmosis, mass consciousness including all the responses to previous pandemics ranging from the Bubonic Plague, the Black Death, Ebola and the Spanish flu etc, which are contained in the mass consciousness. When something like this current pandemic occurs, we can get plugged in to some very old stuff, which affects how we respond to the current situation.

Having a daily meditation practise I feel is essential at the best of times, but especially so now. Having such a practise will allow you to get even greater benefit from any of the Spiritual Essences you may be taking - in fact all Essences! As well as taking any of Spiritual Essences or the Bush Essence Meditation Essence, on rising and retiring you can also take a dose immediately before your spiritual practise, whether it be prayer, meditation etc. This quote seems an apt way to finish on.

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