Ian's Update

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Ian's March 2022 Newsletter

March 01, 2022
Ian's March 2022 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Air Essence 10ml

Air Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 mL


Earth Essence 10ml

Earth Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 mL


Fire Essence 10ml

Fire Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 mL


Water Essence 10ml

Water Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 mL



Emergency Essence

Remedy Drops30 mL
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Bottlebrush - Australia


Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmed by major life changes
EnhancesSerenity and calmAbility to cope


ReleasesOverwhelmed by major life changes
EnhancesSerenity and calmAbility to cope
Bush Iris - Australia

Bush Iris

Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust


ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust
Southern Cross - Australia

Southern Cross

Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesVictim mentalityComplainingBitter
EnhancesPersonal powerTaking responsibilityPositivity


ReleasesVictim mentalityComplainingBitter
EnhancesPersonal powerTaking responsibilityPositivity
Sunshine Wattle - Australia

Sunshine Wattle

Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future


ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future
Kapok Bush - Australia

Kapok Bush

Single Essences15 mL



Abund Essence

Remedy Drops30 mL
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Red Grevillea - Australia

Red Grevillea

Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others


ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others
Mt. Pinatubo 10ml

Mt. Pinatubo 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 mL


Angelsword - Australia


Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication


ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication
In the last few months, the East Coast of Australia has been inundated with unseasonably heavy rainfall that has resulted in extreme widespread flooding. Many areas that were considered safe have suffered widespread damage. About half a million people in New South Wales alone are under evacuation orders or warnings.

Though it's not only here in Australia. In the last 12 months there's been severe flooding in the UK, West Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Croatia, Switzerland and Italy in Europe and China, Indonesia, India, Nepal and the Philippines in Asia. The result has been the deaths of hundreds of people, billions of dollars worth of damage and widespread suffering.

The Australian Bush Flower Essences have long been widely donated by us in these disaster areas, as well as being used locally throughout the world in helping those affected by natural disasters. Not just floods, but also cyclones, fires and earthquakes.

Four of the seven remedies in the White Light Essence range relate to the elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water. If someone has experienced floods they would derive great benefit from the Water Essence. It helps you stay in balance with this element. This essence also relates to the season of Spring and I often recommend that when we're about to enter a new season that you may wish to take the corresponding essence.

For those in the northern hemisphere, who are about to enter spring in less than two weeks, essence Water Essence would be very recommended. Here in Australia, if you've experienced trauma, loss or upset with water, such as with these or earlier floods, then this would be a very appropriate remedy to take straight away. It could then be followed by the Earth Essence to align you with the new season of Autumn. Anyone having been affected by landslides or an avalanche would also derive benefit from working with this essence.

To illustrate how the essences can help those affected by floods, I have included below a brief extract from one of our earlier newsletters of an article by Vera Gondim, one of our Brazilian teachers. It is on her work with other Bush Essences volunteers who all worked as counsellors for flood victims in the city of Petropolis in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Vera and her team were officially recognised for their work with the Bush Essences by the mayor and local government of that city.

Vera Gondim Testimonial

Some of the most useful Bush Essences to help those who have just gone through these floods are:

Obviously Emergency Essence for the upset, shock and for anyone going through a Dark Night of the Soul. This remedy can give one the strength and courage to cope with their situation and bring their survival skills to the fore.

Bottlebrush - To help let go of the old and what's been lost.

Bush Iris - for someone who is overly materialistic or who has trouble realising what they've lost are just things and in the long run, not what is important in life.

Southern Cross - for people who are left feeling ‘it’s not fair, why me/us etc’. This remedy also helps one to see the silver lining in any dark cloud – no pun intended!

Sunshine Wattle - for those who are left really struggling; when everything is very grim and there’s not much hope or optimism about the future.

Kapok Bush - where the person is left feeling that it’s all too much, ‘I just can’t do it’, there’s a sense of resignation, apathy and giving up.

Abund Essence - to help manifest financial abundance which may be needed in rebuilding both emotionally and materially

Red Grevillea - you know what you want but can’t work out how to achieve it.
I would also highly recommend the use of the Light Frequency Mt. Pinatubo Essence. One of the main qualities of this remedy is to help you be in the right place at the right time. It allows you to receive clearer communication with your Higher Self whenever you need to get a warning that the area you’re in is in a dangerous or precarious position. In this present time Gaia, our Mother Earth, is doing a lot of rebalancing to clear the psychic and physical pollution that humanity has unleashed on her.

Mother Earth is raising her consciousness which is why she’s clearing so much and she wants us to raise our vibration, open our hearts and join her on this journey. However, the purifying process that she’s undertaking, does mean that there will be a higher than normal number of floods, fires, earthquakes etc. So again, I stress the importance of working with Mt. Pinatubo Essence is to be in tune so that you can be in the right place at the right time.

Mt Pinatubo

This Essence would also be a very appropriate remedy for anyone caught up in the fighting in Ukraine. For those of us not over there, but wanting to know what's really happening, I would suggest working with Angelsword. It's a remedy for discernment and unfortunately the media is so distorted with their hidden agendas you won't get an accurate picture of what's really happening. Are Russia and Putin really the “bad guys”? Maybe they are, but every Western newspaper and news outlet are focused on the economic destruction of the Russian economy and their sense of the World Order. The Ukraine are pawns in this powerplay, though we don’t hear the real reason Putin has entered their country. Ukraine is painted as a democracy, but is it? Their legitimate president was removed and a puppet pro-Western government instated. Opposition parties were banned. Do we get to hear this? Putin approached Bill Clinton when he was President of the USA to join NATO. Clinton laughed and told him that would never happen as “who would we then have as a Bogeyman of Europe?” So the story goes on!

It's very important that your level of discernment in these times is very high. We've certainly seen this with the brain washing and fear-provoking that the media - or rather those vested interests who control the media, has unleashed upon us in the last few years with the Coronavirus narrative.

If you do have a colleague, friend or loved one who is being caught up far away in the floods or fighting that you want to help, one of the most effective things you can do – apart from the use of the Essences, is to hold the image of them in a place of utter well-being.

“In 2011, after the disastrous floods that occurred in Petropolis, not far from Rio de Janeiro, I was asked to coordinate a social service group of volunteer therapists who gave emotional support to the victims using flower essences during almost a year. Due to this work, Petropolis was the only affected city where neither suicide cases, nor even suicide attempts, have occurred."

Vera Gondim

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