Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian's December 2022 Video Newsletter

December 13, 2022
Ian's December 2022 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Red Grevillea - Australia

Red Grevillea

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others


ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others
Reference Book

Australian Bush Flower Remedies



Billy Goat Plum - Australia

Billy Goat Plum

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesShamePhysical loathing
EnhancesSexual ease and enjoymentOpen-mindedness


ReleasesShamePhysical loathing
EnhancesSexual ease and enjoymentOpen-mindedness
Five Corners - Australia

Five Corners

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLow self-esteemCrushed held-in personalilty
EnhancesAcceptance of selfJoyousness


ReleasesLow self-esteemCrushed held-in personalilty
EnhancesAcceptance of selfJoyousness
Sunshine Wattle - Australia

Sunshine Wattle

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future


ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future
Calm & Clear Essence 30ml Product Image

Calm & Clear Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesOver CommittedImpatienceOverwhelm
EnhancesWind DownClarityCalmness & Peace


ReleasesOver CommittedImpatienceOverwhelm
EnhancesWind DownClarityCalmness & Peace
Turkey Bush - Australia

Turkey Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesCreative blockDisbelief in own ability
EnhancesInspiration Renews artistic confidenceFocus


ReleasesCreative blockDisbelief in own ability
EnhancesInspiration Renews artistic confidenceFocus

Red Grevillea is one of the first Bush Essences to bloom in the new flowering season, commencing in July and lasting through to the New Year. It has very powerful Doctrine of Signatures pointing to how it can be successfully used when feeling stuck, knowing your desired outcome, but not being sure how to achieve it.

Included as one of our three testimonials this month is an article by Catherine Pallin, an artist using the Bush Essences in a very unique way. Some of her paintings are shown further below.


Healing Flower Remedy Paintings, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Creativity

The first time Australian Bush Flower Essences entered my life was in the Blue Mountains of NSW, around 2001. A herbalist and iridologist I consulted noticed stress rings in my eyes and created a custom remedy that supported me through many of life’s ups and downs.

Since that time, a Reiki Master and friend, Heidi, has been making personal Australian Bush Flower Essence blends for me. The remedies have been excellent in helping me stay grounded and connected to my feminine essence. I love the feeling of having flower allies at the ready, to offer extra support and guidance at times I feel the need.

Artwork by Catherine Pallin

Then, a few months ago, Heidi asked me to create a painting for her. My first thought was of her love for the ABFE, a painted remedy, so to speak. The idea lit me up, as I envisioned us selecting the flowers and blessing the canvas together (as I do for all my paintings). Unfortunately finding the right time for us both was tricky, but as you could imagine I loved the idea of painting remedies and was eager to get started - so, in the meantime I began painting what I call a “Healing Flower Painted Remedy”, firstly for myself, then for a friend, then for a relative.

To choose the flowers for my painting, I set an intention and opened Ian White’s book, Australian Bush Flower Essences, at random, selecting 3 different flowers. The first flower I opened to was Billy Goat Plum.

My painting was of Billy Goat PlumFive Corners and Sunshine Wattle. While painting Billy Goat Plum I had rushes of excitement and ecstasy running  through my body - it was such a joyful experience! I have also painted Five Corners in two different paintings, yet they look very different, almost like they express “the something” needed for the person I am painting the remedy for.  It’s so interesting to see the various ways the same flowers express themselves on the canvas for different people - it's like their frequency dances to the individual's beat!

Artwork by Catherine Pallin

Being guided by the essence of the flowers I have created a Pre- Painting Ceremony - which includes the person I am painting for present (in person or via zoom), where we bless each other, the flowers, paint, tools and the canvas. Next, we select the flowers using Ian White’s books and cards. We then choose a colour palette for the painting and talk more about what might be wanting to be expressed and how it relates to their life, generally delighting in the whole process!

Now, I'm working with Calm and Clear because as this inspiration came through me, I was feeling impatient and my jaw was aching - I was literally chomping at the bit to paint a whole series! The Calm and Clear is helping me to be more calm and present with each part of the process.

I feel so grateful to be working with the essences in this way, and excited to be holding my first solo exhibition at the Stationmaster’s Art Gallery SA in October 30th September- 26th October 2023 - as well as to see how the essences and people I work with inspire me between now and then!

If you would like me to paint you a Healing Flower Remedy Painting, you can contact me through 


Sincere thanks to Ian, Heidi and the Essences for their inspiration and support.

Catherine Pallin

Red Grevillea

I went to my second singing class in years and years today. Got stuck with my lower register kicking in to higher register when we wanted to see how high I could go from the base. I remembered I had Red Grevillea in my bag, took some and got three times more tones higher. Then reached a high C in the higher register. And it was LOUD, although shrill. Made me laugh.

Claire Williams, VIC

Turkey Bush

I led a creative drawing and storytelling session where I made Turkey Bush available and explained what it was for. Once students had completed their drawings they gave feedback about the pictures. One of the students said that it was the first picture that he had drawn since being small at school and that he had always avoided drawing and art and couldn’t believe he had drawn something without difficulty.

Anna Gibson, SA

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