Ian's Update

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Ian's November 2024 Newsletter

November 18, 2024
Ian's November 2024 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Bush Fuchsia - Australia

Bush Fuchsia

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSwitched offNervous public speakingClumsy
EnhancesCourage to speak outIn touch with intuitionClarity


ReleasesSwitched offNervous public speakingClumsy
EnhancesCourage to speak outIn touch with intuitionClarity
Isopogon - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStubbornControlling personality
EnhancesLearn from past experience Relating without manipulating


ReleasesStubbornControlling personality
EnhancesLearn from past experience Relating without manipulating
Water Essence 10ml

Water Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Bottlebrush - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesOverwhelmed by major life changes
EnhancesSerenity and calmAbility to cope


ReleasesOverwhelmed by major life changes
EnhancesSerenity and calmAbility to cope
Bauhinia - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance


ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance
Black-eyed Susan - Australia

Black-eyed Susan

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesImpatienceOvercommittedConstant striving
EnhancesSlowing downInner peace


ReleasesImpatienceOvercommittedConstant striving
EnhancesSlowing downInner peace
Awakens one’s spirituality and allows one to go deeper into any religious or spiritual practice. Enhances access to the Higher Self whilst providing psychic protection and healing of the aura. Highly recommended for anyone practicing meditation.

Meditation Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesFeeling BlockedSpiritual Confusion
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation

$26.00 $23.00

ReleasesFeeling BlockedSpiritual Confusion
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation

This month, I am taking a slightly different approach with my newsletter; a more personal one. I've often been asked in workshops to share my personal daily practices and reflections, so I’m taking this opportunity to offer a glimpse into my own approach to wellbeing. From observing dreams to morning rituals, body surfing and Bush Essences, these are the small but intentional practices that bring balance and purpose to my days. I hope that in sharing these insights, you’ll find a spark of inspiration for your own daily journey.

On waking I review my dreams, without opening my eyes or changing my position, as both can lead to their recall disappearing very quickly. Two essences which I have found to enhance remembering dreams are: a combination of Bush Fuchsia and Isopogon or the Water Essence from the White Light Essences range. I then take seven drops of whatever Essence I am currently on.

From the very outset, when I first started receiving information about the Bush Essences it was always stressed that the best dosage was seven drops on rising and retiring. In one of my hardcopy newsletters many years ago I listed some of the associations we have with the number seven. It is one of the most symbolic numbers. Of course we have seven days of the week; seven musical notes; seven virtues; seven deadly sins; seven bodies - the physical body and six subtle bodies; every cell in the body is replenished over a seven year period; the length of the leaf is in a ratio of seven to the height of a tree; in the numerology system I work with seven is the highest number on the physical plane and represents learning lessons; every seven years one of the chakras is fully formed - this is the reason we celebrate an individual's 21st birthday as with three fully formed chakras, it's highly likely they will survive to adulthood; from when rain falls to when it joins a river there is a sequence of seven steps; in a number of cultures seven is the number of God. Do you have any other associations with the number seven?

The Bush Essences are quite unique in that they are only taken on rising and retiring, whereas most other flower essence ranges are taken more often through the day, either three or four times. The beauty of taking the Bush Essences only twice and at these times, is that it's easy to remember to take them and you build up a nice rhythmic taking of the essence. Also, you simply need to leave your dose bottle by the side of your bed.

Taking the Essence first thing in the morning programs your intention and goal for the day with what that Essence can achieve for you. Taking the drops at the last moment before going to sleep is when your brain waves are starting to reach alpha and theta levels, which is when you are very receptive to the Essences working at a very deep level.

After taking my drops I allow myself some quiet reflective time. I find this is commonly a time when I receive a lot of guidance around what I'm working on or am shown on a personal level what I need to do.

Before getting out of bed I say a number of prayers, including asking to be used as an instrument for the Light and to have any negative energy directed against me, deflected or reflected depending on the intention. I also ask the Beings of Light that I work with for their love, guidance, direction and blessing and to open my heart so as to give and receive more love. The Beings of Light include my guides, the Devic, angelic and Archangelic Realms, nature spirits; Isis, Gaia, Chung Fu and many more Light beings I've encountered through Sally Pullinger’s channellings. I also let them know how much gratitude and appreciation I have for their presence in my life.

The first thing I do on getting up is uddiyana, a yoga exercise that stimulates the abdominal organs; increases blood flow to the digestive system; activates a great deal of energy and is said to promote a sense of inner peace and harmony. As a constitutional Black-eyed Susan type anything that can help here is very well received!! I follow uddiyana with stretches, more yoga and some aerobic exercise such as push-ups, sit-ups etc. After a herbal tea, usually dandelion, I then go bodysurfing provided the surf is not flat. I have always remembered the first description I learned about dandelion - it rinses the renal filter and wrings the hepatic sponge. I usually add the following to my dandelion brew - liquorice for the adrenals, which get a battering from being such a Black-eyed Susan, ginger, meadowsweet and peppermint. The latter three are to enhance gut and stomach function after a misguided, spiritual adventure over 30 years ago, where I did not eat for six months. I did so in the belief that it would allow me to fast track fulfilling my highest destiny. This didn't occur but I did learn the important lesson of how amazing our bodies are in being able to cope with abuse - I was still working and travelling around the world teaching that whole time. There was also the realisation that we've come here to have a physical life, that we need to enjoy the physical realm and to respect and nurture our bodies.

My wife Jane has often told me that she sees one of her roles as helping me avoid such misguided acts and ‘crazy’ extreme people.

Apart from the pure pleasure of body surfing and the challenge of being in the ocean in all conditions, especially in big surf, it is also one of the few areas of my life when I'm surrounded by and enjoy the camaraderie of men. My work with flower essences is predominantly with women, though there are three men working there at present. Thirty-five years ago, when I first started teaching the Bush Essence workshops there were, on average, 10% men attending. Disappointingly, this has now dropped to only 5%.

My breakfast after surfing is usually fruit, though in colder months porridge or sometimes eggs if I’m teaching to stop myself getting hungry. Being a Black-eyed Susan though, I sometimes get caught up in what I am doing and don’t stop to eat till lunchtime. I'm sure the nutritionists reading this would not be impressed, though it does help to be in tune with your own body and natural rhythms.

I was a vegetarian for many years, though now I eat more of a Mediterranean diet with plenty of fish, rice and vegetables. My intention is to have three hours between finishing dinner and going to sleep for optimal digestion and sleep quality. Jane and I often slip into an Argentinian late eating pattern, so waiting for those three hours often takes it past midnight. I’ve always loved late nights but Helen, an acupuncturist friend, is horrified by our late eating habits and the time we get to bed. I have been contemplating taking Bottlebrush and Bauhinia to break that habit and embrace doing things earlier!

After breakfast my wife Jane and I do a Touch For Health muscle balance on each other – the manual version of taking a dose of Crowea. I then make calls and emails before heading with our dog Rosie to our offices in Terrey Hills, arriving at 12:30pm to lead our daily staff attunement/meditation.

My main daily meditation is before dinner, after walking Rosie. She always joins us for the meditation, usually on Jane’s lap. Meditation, for me, is one of the most important things you can do in life. If you don’t have a regular spiritual or meditation practice I highly recommend you commit to doing it daily, for 20 minutes, for one month and I think you will be surprised at the difference you notice in yourself. Taking a dose of Meditation Essence beforehand will further enhance it.

Jane is the principal harpist for the Opera in Sydney and often performs in the evenings. I find this still, quiet time alone in the evening to be my most productive. If I can then get seven hours sleep, I am a very happy chappie! That magical number seven again!

I hope you are able to find your own practices that bring you to a grounded, peaceful and fulfilled state of being.

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