Single Essences15 ml

Bush Iris


Bush Iris was one of the first Essences to be prepared by Ian White. It...

Flower Details

Bush Iris was one of the first Essences to be prepared by Ian White. It is an Essence to open people up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to their higher perceptions. It allows the trinity to flow into a person and is an excellent remedy to give someone who has just started meditation or 'conscious' spiritual growth.

In the negative mode, there will be materialism and/or atheism. There may also be a deep-seated fear of death. Excellent where there is uncertainty about life after death.

Negative Condition
  • Materialism
  • Atheism
  • Physical excess
  • Avarice

Positive Condition

  • Awakening of spirituality
  • Acceptance of death as a transition state
  • Clearing blocks in the base chakra and trust centre


Preparation of Dosage Bottles:

Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Preparation of Combination Essences:

Place seven (7) drops of each Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

How To Use

Once a Dose Bottle or Combination Essence has been prepared using this Single Essence, the recommended dose is seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for two to four weeks.


ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust

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Bush Iris - Australia Bush Iris - Australia

Discover the unique vibrational energy of native Australian flowers with our Single Essence Collection. Address specific emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.

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Bush Iris - Australia Bush Iris - Australia

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