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Ian's September 2023 Video Update

September 18, 2023
Embark on a mesmerising journey with Ian as he uncovers the extraordinary powers of Angelsword.
Ian's September 2023 Video Update
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Angelsword - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication


ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication
Fringed Violet - Australia

Fringed Violet

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection


ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection
Intensive Hand Cream - 50ml

Intensive Hand Cream

Cream50 ml
BenefitsHydrationSkin SoftnessNail Health


BenefitsHydrationSkin SoftnessNail Health

Heighten Your Spiritual Guidance & Discernment

Embark on a mesmerising journey with Ian as he uncovers the extraordinary powers of Angelsword. This incredible flower, shaped like a mystical 'fleur-de-lis', holds the key to cutting through spiritual confusion, enhancing discernment, unveiling the truth hidden in channeled messages and tapping into past life gifts. Explore this captivating essence and optimise your spiritual potential today.




Angelsword & Fringed Violet Single Essences

I mixed Angelsword and Fringed Violet together to help alleviate the psychic drain I was feeling in a less than fabulous retail job.  After a week I felt an amazing wash of calm come over me and the customers weren’t even bothering me.  And also, the supervisor who was one of the rudest people I’d ever met, started to treat me with respect.  So much so that other workers were asking me if I’d put anything in her water bottle.  I now take it every day without question. My husband also used it since he saw the changes in me and after about a week he reported that he had felt something shift and that the most bothersome and difficult customers were off targeting the others and he was left to do his work in peace. 

Melissa Fullagar, NSW 

Intensive Hand Cream 

Just writing to give thanks and praise for your amazing Intensive Hand Cream! (which contains Angelsword. Ed note) For years I have been searching for a good hand cream that ticks all the boxes. I am very particular about hand creams! Some leave a bad residue on the skin and some actually dry my skin! I was yet to find one that was perfect, until now! Your Intensive Hand Cream is PERFECT and not too expensive either! It smells lovely, moisturises and protects effectively and makes my hands look at least 5 years younger instantly! I LOVE it. Thank you for creating such a wonderful product.

Annie O'Connell, ACT


Angelsword Single Essence

I put Angelsword in my daily water bottle for three weeks. In that time I also practiced shutting off at the end of every day. I would do this by putting Angelsword essence just below my navel and saying the caption under the heading to myself every night, I also would cut the cords of all those negative energies I had come across throughout the day. I kept the Angelsword bush flower card under my pillow at night. During this time I felt protected and stronger within myself, and not as intimidated by characters that are bigger than me. For example, I work in a health food store and there's a whole section dedicated to protein powders and body building supplements. I work in this section on my own on a Thursday night. The customers that come into this part of the shop are predominately testosterone driven males, a lot of whom are very solidly built. I used to find that even though I knew the product range certain customers would come in and their presence would make me feel very intimidated to the point where I felt I didn't know what to recommend for them. I would fumble over my words and feel embarrassed. The Thursday night of the second week that I was taking this essence I felt that my self-esteem had boosted dramatically. I wasn't as self-conscious, and I could recommend products with a lot more ease. The other thing I noticed whilst at work was that around a full moon we would get weird energies in the shop, the vibe of customers was different and uneasy; I wasn't the only one to notice this, my other work colleagues would also comment on this uneasy feeling. At the end of days like this I would come home from work exhausted as if I had taken all this negative energy on board. On the Friday of the third week that I was taking Angelsword it was a full moon and the other girls I worked with had to remind me that we may be in for a crazy day as it was a full moon that night. I didn't come home from work that day as exhausted as I normally would have and I didn't feel like I had been picking up these negative energies. I put this down to the protection I received from Angelsword.

As a result of me listening to what's right for me right now in my life I've enrolled in less subjects for next term. I'm not taking as much on board, physically and emotionally and I'm allowing others to take responsibility for their own feelings. I don't feel as sensitive or vulnerable as I used to and I feel more confident in myself as a result. I have Angelsword to thank for helping me come to this realisation and it will be an essence I will continue to use when I feel like life is on top of me and I'm not able to hear what my higher spirits are telling me.




“After a week I felt an amazing wash of calm come over me and the customers weren’t even bothering me. And also, the supervisor who was one of the rudest people I’d ever met, started to treat me with respect. ”

Melissa Fullagar, NSW

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