Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian's October 2022 Video Newsletter

October 19, 2022
Wild Potato Bush in Australia's Red Centre has intense colour and healing qualities that support those when feeling frustrated by physical restriction.
Ian's October 2022 Video Newsletter
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Wild Potato Bush - Australia

Wild Potato Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesWeighed downFeeling encumbered
EnhancesAbility to move onFreedomRenews enthusiasm


ReleasesWeighed downFeeling encumbered
EnhancesAbility to move onFreedomRenews enthusiasm
Light Frequency Pyramid Pack

Light Frequency Pyramid Pack

Spiritual Essences


Wild Potato Bush grows in the Red Centre of Australia. On my trip there last month I found this flower with a tremendous intensity to its colour, more so than normal. In my video I discuss Wild Potato Bush’s healing qualities, especially its ability to help people who are feeling frustrated by their physical restriction. This could apply to an injured athlete, someone with a disability, an older person restricted from doing what they love by arthritis or a woman at the end of her pregnancy.


Wild Potato Bush

SC is a 24 year old woman. She lives with her husband and runs a partnership business approximately 60-70 hours per week. She began meditating every morning for 1 and a half hours. This meant rising at 5.30am, starting work at 9.00am, finishing at 9.00pm and retiring at 10.00pm. SC would start every morning feeling very heavy and lethargic. Her body would ache and feel sore and she had difficulty remaining in one spot for the length of time it took to meditate. She claimed that her body was just too sore. She felt that meditation had made her much more aware of how her body felt and how she had abused it.

I chose Wild Potato Bush as a remedy for SC. This remedy helped her to feel light in her body, and to free the energies flowing through her body and also feel more like herself. She began to release the frustration from having so many tense areas in her body, achieved easier meditation, developed a relaxed attitude to work and became less frustrated by her physical restrictions.  Although she is working long hours, her time at work has become easier and more fulfilling.

Sarah Federico, NSW

Wild Potato Bush

My nieces and nephew were very excited to be getting a chicken each to take home and have as pets.  My father had bought chickens on a number of occasions from a farm so I drove my 2 nieces and nephew and followed Dad to the farm.  What greeted us was nothing short of horrific.  Thousands of chickens crammed into cages so small that they couldn’t stand or even attempt to flap a wing.  There were no windows or light coming into the enormous shed.  The voices of these chickens were agonising to hear.  Three chickens, who we named Henny, Penny and Dora were chosen and we drove home and placed them in their new home.  Dad was quick to say that the chickens wouldn’t walk for at least 3 or 4 days as they don’t know how to stand and that was if they survived the shock of being moved.  I immediately went home and returned with my ABFE.  I made a mixture of Emergency Essence and added Wild Potato Bush to help with emotions of being trapped in such a confined space.  I added the essences to their drinking water as it can be somewhat difficult to give the drops orally to chickens and the oil contained in their feathers doesn’t allow for absorption by the body.  I sat quietly with them and placed the water bowl where they could reach it.  To my delight they immediately began to drink and within 5 minutes were up out of the enclosed area and walking around and scratching outside!  Dad couldn’t believe it and said he had never seen anything like it.  Later that night I sat with my 4 year old niece on my lap watching the full moon come up.  Even though it was dark and chickens normally go inside when dark, Henny, Penny and Dora were sitting on a log outside at 9 o’clock at night.  As I listened to what they were saying my niece summed it up beautifully when she said, “They don’t know what the moon is do they?”  And sure enough the curiosity and pleasure the chickens were talking about was exactly that.  The drops were continued for 10 days at which time they told me that they were feeling so much better.  Today, when I regularly see the “ladies” (as we call them), they often remind me of that night and how grateful they were to be experiencing lives outside the confines of the shed.

Kerrie Searle, VIC    

Light Frequency Essences

I cannot recommend Ian's amazing light work high enough! The Australian Bush Essences are deeply healing on all levels and connect us so deeply with the exquisite flowers native to Australia. As a practicing Flower Essence Practitioner across a number of different essence ranges, the Light Frequency Essences are dynamic and equally profound at a spiritual level. This is the real deal and every single essence is filled with pure light and deep integrity! I cannot recommend these highly enough.

Catherine Parker, VIC

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