Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian's May 2023 Video Newsletter

May 11, 2023
Watch Ian’s video to learn all about Calophyllum,  the first new Australian Bush Flower Essence in 19 years. See where it grows, its unique features and hear Ian describe its unique healing qualities.
Ian's May 2023 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
Dog Rose of the Wild Forces - Australia

Dog Rose of the Wild Forces

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesCalm and centredEmotional balance


EnhancesCalm and centredEmotional balance
Philotheca - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSelf-deprecationExcessive generosity
EnhancesAbility to let in praiseLooking after own needs


ReleasesSelf-deprecationExcessive generosity
EnhancesAbility to let in praiseLooking after own needs
Replenishing Night Cream - 50ml

Replenishing Night Cream

Cream50 ml
ConcernsDullnessFine Lines & WrinklesRedness
BenefitsEnhanced ElasticityYouthful AppearanceDeep Hydration


ConcernsDullnessFine Lines & WrinklesRedness
BenefitsEnhanced ElasticityYouthful AppearanceDeep Hydration

Watch Ian’s video to learn all about Calophyllum,  the first new Australian Bush Flower Essence in 19 years. See where it grows, its unique features and hear Ian describe its unique healing qualities.

 Testimonials from Ian's Video Newsletter in May 2023


Dear Ian. How incredible to be called to Calophyllum after 19 years! For me the new essence is pure synchronicity. I’ve been taking it for a week and from the first day I am standing more upright, have had the courage and energy to take new steps into the unknown, more courage to create and be who I am learning I am.  Thank you!

Tylney Taylor, NSW


I have been working with an elderly lady with Parkinson’s disease for over twelve months now.  I have used a variety of essences with her over that time starting off with Dog Rose of the Wild Forces because she felt so completely out of control.  But the essence that she has taken consistently through this period has been Philotheca.  I felt one of her big problems emotionally was that she never gave to herself.  She was always very generous of her time, energy and money with other people but didn’t seem to feel she had the right to give herself praise.  She was very uncomfortable if she was praised by others for what she did and she didn’t give herself any little luxuries.  Although she is quite comfortably off financially, she tended to be very reluctant to spend on herself.  She never ever talked about herself at a personal level – she would talk about things and about ideas but never about how she felt emotionally. Emotions were something that she kept strictly in control.  Until recently that is.  It was when her emotions started to bubble out and she could no longer keep everything in check that she really fell apart emotionally and physically. When she first asked me for help… which was a very big thing for her to do... she was physically and emotionally very shaky.  She was just not coping with life and couldn’t see a way out. She looked and was very frail and fragile.

Now she is a different person - physically she seems more present, more in her body.  She looks healthy, she is interested in things and is going out … she didn’t dare go out earlier except for absolutely essential things. She is still a bit shaky physically particularly if she is stressed but she has certainly not got worse and some days her body can be completely still which is lovely.  But in terms of the Philotheca she has agreed to have a Reiki session every week… very reluctant at first and very stiff on the table but now relaxed and loving it… and even aware of what is happening energetically sometimes which is completely new for her.  She is going regularly to have massage – once at week.  She did do Tai Chi for a while but found the standing for long periods exhausting – but she did make the effort, which she couldn’t have done previously.  She and a few friends have formed a laughter group – they meet once a week and bring books or articles to read that will make them laugh!  She is beginning to speak out her emotions and admits that she needs to do that.  And she is spending money on herself. She is still a fairly emotionally closed person and still needs to let go of the need to control and we are working on that with other essences, but I feel it has been the Philotheca that has brought about the big change in her over these last many months.

Marie Matthews, NSW

Replenishing Night Cream

I've never been interested in face cream.   But now I've been drawn to one. For the first time and I feel incredibly gifted. Shortly after the Replenishing Night Cream was on my face for the night, there was this wonderful gentle relaxing feeling, which I felt not only on my face but all over my body. This cream is the most sensational thing I have found so far. It is full of extracts and not "just" the 5 or 6 essences that are listed on the front. If you ever want to feel gently caressed, cradled like a baby in your mother's arms, gently and lovingly rocking you into your bed and tenderly giving you a kiss on the cheeks, get this cream. It is the most beautiful and sweetest thing I have experienced so far with all the essences.

Patricia S, Germany

Much Love, Light and Respect

Ian White


Founder & Managing Director

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