Ian's Update

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Ian’s May 2023 Newsletter

May 02, 2023
Ian’s May 2023 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
Pink Flannel Flower - Australia

Pink Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted


ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted
Kapok Bush - Australia

Kapok Bush

Single Essences15 ml


Sturt Desert Rose - Australia

Sturt Desert Rose

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuiltRegret and remorseEasily led
EnhancesCourageConvictionTrue to self Integrity


ReleasesGuiltRegret and remorseEasily led
EnhancesCourageConvictionTrue to self Integrity
Banksia Robur - Australia

Banksia Robur

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDisheartened Frustrated
EnhancesEnjoyment of life Enthusiasm Interest in life


ReleasesDisheartened Frustrated
EnhancesEnjoyment of life Enthusiasm Interest in life

For the first time in 19 years there is a new Bush Essence - Calophyllum inophyllum. I first came across this tree last June in far north QLD. Unfortunately, it was the last day of my trip and I didn't have any essence making equipment with me. Frustratingly, I realised I'd have to wait another year before I could make it.

I only had a very narrow window of opportunity to prepare the essence this year. I was leaving in early April to start my first European and Japanese teaching trip in four years. I would be away for three months and returning in mid-July when I knew that the Calophyllum flowering time would be over. However, I wasn't sure if it would be in flower in late March when I would be able to go.

Organising the trip as well as completing all my work before leaving was very hectic. This, combined with the time needed to travel back to this region to make the remedy, made me a tad stressed. Momentarily, I wondered if I should leave it for another year. However, I had a very strong knowing that Calophyllum was an incredibly important essence that needed to be made now and I would just have to find the time.

When I got back to the same region in far North Queensland where I had found them last trip, I was very concerned as I could initially only find trees with buds and the occasional flower, which was often quite high in the tree. The trees themselves are very spectacular with their glossy, dark, green leaves and can reach a height of 25 metres. This area where I found them is quite spectacular, it is where the rainforest comes down to meet the ocean and the Great Barrier Reef. Both are World Heritage sites and it's the only location in the world where you have two such sites next to each other.


I was very fortunate to come across one tree, interestingly the one jutting out furthest from the rainforest and closest to the ocean, that had many flowers in bloom. Otherwise, I would have had to wait another 12 months before being able to make this essence. My tree, like many Calophyllums, is incredibly resilient with many of its branches covered by sand for several metres which resurface and surge forward towards the shore. One of the qualities of this essence, is that nothing is going to get in the way of where they're going.

Calophyllum originated in East Africa and over aeons of time has gradually spread throughout Southeast Asia and Oceania. The green fruit, up to 3 or 4 cm in diameter, has little flesh and a very large seed. The seed is very buoyant and due to its growing right up to the shoreline, many of the seeds enter the water and the currents have then taken them to the other 38 countries, including Australia, where it is now found. Historically all parts of the tree have been used in these different countries for medicinal, commercial and practical application as well as a food source. The leaves, fruit, seed and oil from the seeds all have powerful healing properties. The oil is also used as a fuel and in the cosmetic industry, while the timber is used in carpentry and is a preferred wood for making Outrigger canoes and coastal boats.  Calophyllum is notable for its ability to grow to massive sizes in sandy or rocky beaches on island and coastal habitats, as well as sending out arching large trunks over the water.

This is very much an essence for these times and it is not surprising that it has chosen to come through at this point. When making a flower essence I wait for the plant to communicate directly with me when it is time to come forward as an Essence and be an instrument for humanity. It's definitely not, “I'm feeling bored, there's nothing to watch on Netflix, I think I'll go and make up an essence!” There are many flowers that I have been researching for over a decade, but until now none have come forward to say it's their time. Pink Flannel Flower was the last new Bush Essence I made in 2004 which was 19 years ago. Since then both the Light Frequency Essences and Divine Presence Essences have come through, but no new flower.


Calophyllum helps one to develop and activate one’s leadership qualities. This Essence’s constitutional type is very enthusiastic, they have a strong connection to Spirit, which gives them certainty in knowing where they're going and what they should do. Like the branches that emerge after being buried under the sand, nothing is going to stop them. They have tremendous resilience, determination and focus.

They are inspiring leaders, not only do they want to point out the way, but they want to unite and bring others with them. “Come on, this is the way, let’s go!” is their clarion call. They care about others and want what's best for everyone. They have a strong sense of morality, what's right and will fight for this. They have an ancient, strong, ferocious, warrior energy and they won't let anything get in the way of where they're going. They are very positive, focused people. It's not just them going forward, they have a great concern for others and they want to bring everyone along with them.

There are some very striking aspects in the Doctrine of Signature of this essence. The tree I chose to make the essence from grows closer to the shore than any other plant on the whole beach. It's a pioneer, a leader, it shows the way - follow me.

On the flower racemes there is one flower alone at the very top - the leader and further along the stem you have buds and flowers that occur in pairs directly opposite each other. This is indicative of not only the leader but also the aspect of support, community and working together. Ester, a Dutch psychiatrist, on seeing this aspect commented how it could be a very good remedy to heal and bring together the polarity in communities, which today are so marked on many levels, whether political persuasion, pro and anti-vaccination etc.  There can be between 5 and 15 flowers on each stem.


Calophyllum in Greek means beautiful leaf and it's striking dark green leaves are also very tough - they can endure.

It tolerates all varied kinds of soil; coastal, sand, clay, and even degraded. Often found along the coast, it is cyclone resistant. All of the above indicating its resilience and strength.

The lovely, fragrant scent of the flower is like a fine orange neroli and is very intoxicating and uplifting. The five petaled flowers are a beautiful, pure white and have up to 240 gold stamens in the centre. Gold relates to higher wisdom, whilst five in numerology is all about freedom. This is certainly an area where we need leadership after four years of enforced mandates where so many of our personal freedoms have been stripped away under the guise of supposedly helping us combat this pandemic.

Comparison to other Bush Essences:

Kapok Bush is for giving up when feeling everything is too hard, whereas Calophyllum is far more positive, determined and willing to move out of their comfort zone, to push themselves. It may have tapered a little in enthusiasm, but it has never given up.

Sturt Desert Rose is about personal integrity and doing what you know you should do, whereas Calophyllum is working on the bigger picture. They can see what's happening and what's needed for society and individuals and are committed to doing what's right and what's needed for everyone and the common good.

Banksia Robur is for when feeling “not my old self”; never fully recovered from something; disheartened and it helps restore a sense of enthusiasm and interest in life. Calophyllum is full of oomph and never gets to the lows of Banksia Robur. Calophyllum really does express more in the positive rather than the negative condition. You are using it to enhance more of the positive aspects and to really activate inspiring leadership and for taking action.

Comparison to other Bush Essences : Kapok Bush, Sturt Desert Rose, Banksia Robur and Calophyllum


An interesting aside, while making the mother tincture I found an old washed-up large torch near the base of my tree. Tremendous synchronicity, as torches light up the path and show the way. They allow you to see and know where you're going.

To show my gratitude for receiving the beautiful, healing quality from the plant/tree that I make the mother tincture from, I reciprocate and give a gift back, usually a crystal that I bury under the soil near its roots. While doing this with Calophyllum, I received my final message from the deva of the tree, which was, “to find your voice”.

As I wrote earlier, Calophyllum is very much an essence for these times. It has never been more important now for people, especially the younger generations, to be aware of what's really going on and to find their voice in valuing and protecting the environment, our sovereign rights and resisting the push for a global totalitarian regime favouring the elite.

Humanity is very much at the crossroads and though it's not the Earth’s karma to go down this path being planned for it by certain individuals and powerful interest groups, there is still a large fight looming and a lot of work to do. These individuals and powerful interest groups in the military, financial, and bio-pharmaceutical industries, through their control of the media, major economies, organisations such as the WHO and many governments yield tremendous influence.


We need to be awake as to what is being planned for us and to fight for our humanity and sovereignty. We have already seen throughout the pandemic how pervasive censorship, along with the media creating and fuelling fear, has led to the exchange of ideas being basically outlawed. Anyone not following the narrative or questioning it, is simply labelled a conspiracy theorist. “Conspiracy theorist” has become a pejorative, accusatory label like “racist” or “sexist.” Through common usage, the label has become charged with the power to smear and dismiss someone outright without supporting evidence. 

So, a major question for us today is, do I want to look back and say, ‘That was a life of comfort’? Or do I want to look back and say, ‘That was a life I was proud of?”

As Calophyllum calls out to us, “Come on this is the way, let's go!”

Positive outcome

  • Resilience
  • Leadership
  • Connected to spirit
  • Clear sense of direction
  • Inspiring and supporting others
  • Strong sense of morality
  • Integrity

Negative condition

  • Doubting one's abilities and leadership
  • Lack of commitment
  • Preferring to stay in one's comfort zone
  • Waiting for others to lead and act
Much Love, Light and Respect
Ian White
Founder & Managing Director


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