Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian's July 2023 Video Newsletter

July 18, 2023
Ian's July 2023 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
Image of Flannel Flower Essence, designed to help individuals who struggle with emotional intimacy and physical touch. This essence encourages trust, gentle expression and enjoyment in physical contact, promoting softness and sensitivity.

Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of sensitivityDifficulty communicating feelings
EnhancesGentlenessExpression of feelings Openness


ReleasesLack of sensitivityDifficulty communicating feelings
EnhancesGentlenessExpression of feelings Openness
Love Pendant - pink

Love Pendant

ReleasesClosedFeeling Unloved


ReleasesClosedFeeling Unloved

Embrace Emotional & Physical Intimacy

Join Ian as he delves into the transformative qualities of the Flannel Flower Bush Essence. Learn how this enchanting flower can help you with physical contact and emotional intimacy along with enhancing openness and trust with one's most innermost feelings. 



Adventure with Calophyllum

“Dublin can be heaven with coffee at eleven, and a stroll ‘round Stephen’s Green”. That line from an old song describes what myself and my friend Seamus Murphy get up to on a regular basis.

He is a Bush-Essence practitioner and I use Traditional Five Element Acupuncture to help heal body-mind-spirit imbalances. We both have a deep interest in healing based on the essence of spirit. He often brings to our meetings a bottle or two of Bush Essences for me to experience. The other day he placed a bottle in my hand without telling me anything about it.  He urged me to hold it while he waited to see if I had any intuitive knowledge of its properties. Straight away I got a clear image of a heart wearing a garland of fresh green leaves with a tinge of gold colour within them. It felt as if the heart was being protected and strengthened by this garland. The feeling of strength and clarity was very powerful.

In Five-Element Acupuncture therapy, the heart is seen as the supreme controller, the leader, the king. Its qualities are courage, leadership, compassion, empathy, insight, loving kindness and joy. It is understandable that such a precious sacred spirit needs protection from the slings and arrows of daily doings at a less subtle level. To this end, we have a system within the Five Element therapy called the Heart Protector (also called the pericardium). Obviously to do its job the heart needs to be open and flexible. Sometimes it can be too open, too flexible and finds itself overwhelmed. Enter the Heart Protector - it establishes healthy boundaries and proper grounding.

These days I find myself treating the Heart Protector points a lot more than ever before. So many hearts are being hurt by manufactured hysteria, fear, hate, separation and untruths propagated by all sections of what were once the respected bastions of our society. The heart loves truth and when the spirit is well it embraces others with kindness and compassion. It also loves clarity of mind, and it knows when the lie is being presented as truth. We need to be strong with clear vision and intention of leading as many as we can into a future based on Truth. The heart of the warrior is desperately needed at this time. My instant reaction to Calophyllum and how its aspects, as presented in Ian’s video tie in so well with my own approach to healing the heart and heart protector, convinced me that Calophyllum is indeed a remedy for this special time in our collective journey out of the dark and into the light.

John McLoughlin Lic. Ac.

Member of Traditional Chinese Medicine Council of Ireland (TCMCI) 

Flannel Flower

Lilly was a three year old filly. As a result of prior mistreatment, she had no trust in humans at all. She was hard to catch, cranky when being handled and very aggressive with her hind legs. After ten months she did no more than tolerate my touching her. She was obedient, but resentfully so, and even when I fed her she would avoid my hand when I tried to stroke her, rigidly pulling back onto the barriers. She was very nasty to two horses in her paddock - biting and kicking out at them for no apparent reason. Flannel Flower changed her attitude within three days. She softened. After one week she rubbed her cheek against my shoulder. To the uninitiated, this is a gesture of affection and I regarded it as a major breakthrough. Five days later she voluntarily walked into the feed shed - a place she had never ventured into before. Since then, Lilly has made rapid progress initiating physical contact with me, becoming more gentle towards the other horses and relaxing remarkably in her hindquarters. Yesterday she rested her chin against my chest allowing me to take the weight of her head and today, when I was grooming another of my horses, she approached me for her brushing, standing untethered while I ran the brush over her body and even following me for more when I had finished. In short Lilly is a different horse from the one she was six weeks ago.

Linda Clancy, NSW


I have the Pink Love and Purple Angel pendants and I love them both. Not only are they very beautiful; I find them very effective. I often wear my Purple Angel for protection whilst carrying out my energy healing and complementary therapy treatments.

Cindy Kay Vernon, UK

“Not only are they very beautiful; I find them very effective. I often wear my Purple Angel for protection whilst carrying out my energy healing and complementary therapy treatments. ”

Cindy Kay Vernon, UK

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