Ian's Update

9 min read

Ian's February 2023 Newsletter

February 09, 2023
2023 has commenced with financial uncertainty, rampant inflation, rising interest rates and job retrenchments creating concern in the community. Despite this, tools are available to understand and tackle these challenges. In numerology, 2023 is a Universal Year 7, associated with difficulties, including potential losses in money, health, and relationships.
Ian's Newsletter: How To Prosper and See The Patterns In These Challenging Times
Featured in this article
Featured in this article

Abund Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Sunshine Wattle - Australia

Sunshine Wattle

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future


ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future
Boab - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesEnmeshment in negative patterns Recipients of abuse
EnhancesPersonal freedomClearing negative Karmic connections


ReleasesEnmeshment in negative patterns Recipients of abuse
EnhancesPersonal freedomClearing negative Karmic connections
Five Corners - Australia

Five Corners

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLow self-esteemCrushed held-in personalilty
EnhancesAcceptance of selfJoyousness


ReleasesLow self-esteemCrushed held-in personalilty
EnhancesAcceptance of selfJoyousness
Pink Flannel Flower - Australia

Pink Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted


ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted
Christmas Bell - Australia

Christmas Bell

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSense of lackPoor stewardship of possessions
EnhancesHelps to manifest desired outcome


ReleasesSense of lackPoor stewardship of possessions
EnhancesHelps to manifest desired outcome
Red Lily - Australia

Red Lily

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesVagueDisconnectedLack of focus
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present


ReleasesVagueDisconnectedLack of focus
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present
Fringed Violet - Australia

Fringed Violet

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection


ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection
Meditation Essence 30ml

Meditation Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesPsychic AttackPsychically DrainedDamaged Aura
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation


ReleasesPsychic AttackPsychically DrainedDamaged Aura
EnhancesSpiritualityEnhance IntuitionDeeper Meditation
Sturt Desert Pea - Australia

Sturt Desert Pea

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving


EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving
Isopogon - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStubbornControlling personality
EnhancesLearn from past experience Relating without manipulating


ReleasesStubbornControlling personality
EnhancesLearn from past experience Relating without manipulating

2023 has started with a tremendous amount of financial uncertainty. Inflation is still rampant and continuing to rise as are interest rates, while many people are being retrenched from their jobs. All these situations are creating a great deal of fear and concern in the community.

There are however, many tools available to help you to both understand the patterns behind what's happening and also solutions for you to stay in balance, prosper and grow in these times.

Numerologically, in 2023 we are in a Universal Year 7, an influence that will have an impact on everyone for the whole year. This is calculated by adding each of the individual numbers of this year i.e., 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7. A Universal Year 7 gets quite a bad rap. This is because it can be a very challenging period, where people can often experience loss in either money, health or relationships. Sometimes it can be in all three areas!

From a larger perspective, it is a vital year for learning through personal experience. If you don't learn the lesson the universe brings to you in a year 7, then the universe will continue to send you that lesson till you finally learn from it. Each time it is sent, it comes in a stronger way till eventually a “Mack truck” is sent if you still haven't learned your lesson. You can't ignore a “Mack truck”, which might take the form of a divorce, serious health issue or a major financial problem.

Abund Remedy Essence

The main lesson that the Year 7 brings is to realise there is more to life than the material world, which is why the latter is taken from the individual. Such lessons always have a purpose for they are designed to awaken and return us to our true path.

A Year 7 is not usually the most ideal year for making major change, rather it's very much an opportunity for reflection, studying and going within, all of which can bring about the desired end result of increasing your wisdom. If you can sail through a Year 7 easily, without too much drama, then it's a good indication you're on track with your life. You could see this year as pruning the deadwood to make way for the new growth of the ensuing years.

The following Bush Essences can be of great benefit during this Universal Year 7.

The combination remedy Abund is perfect for this year. It is comprised of eight Bush Essences, one of which is Sunshine Wattle, a fantastic essence bringing about optimism and a sense of hope. Hope is always there for us, it is part of our nature. Yet doubt and fear are the enemies of hope. Hope with faith and total belief is an incredibly strong and powerful impulse. Hope brings about inspiration, which with faith, creates certainty.

Many people are struggling financially but they keep battling on and just when they think they’re getting on top of things another interest rate rise occurs. They don't have a sense of things getting better, they just merely keep battling on. This is where Sunshine Wattle can be so effective in returning their sense of optimism.

Also in the Abund are essences that allow you to be open to receiving what you are asking for and desiring; focusing on your own needs; generosity and belief in abundance.

Other essences in the Abund blend include Boab, for clearing negative family patterns around money and abundance that you learned as a child from your parents; Five Corners to help clear any negative sabotage you have in your subconscious regarding money, financial success or abundance. Also Pink Flannel Flower, which helps bring about a sense of gratitude and looking for the positive things in your life rather than focusing on the negative.

Christmas Bell
Christmas Bell is also in the Abund and it's a fantastic remedy for assisting you to manifest what you desire. Where your focus goes energy flows. Day by day see the outcomes that you desire and it will become like a flower bud with each petal opening in turn until there is a magnificent flower in full bloom revealed.

Red Lily, the sacred Lotus, enables us to both open our crown chakra so we are fully connected to and receiving guidance and inspiration from Spirit, while at the same time keeping us grounded and connected to the Earth.

We are the creators of our world, yet if we get pulled out of our own reality into those of others, we will become distracted and lose our focus. Fringed Violet helps us to stay in our own world and strengthen our boundaries.  Both essences are in the Meditation Essence and any inner, reflective soul work, such as meditation is a wonderful thing in a Year 7, as there is tremendous opportunity available to us for travelling very deep when we go within during this year.

Abund Affirmation

It is important to realise God is within us and that we are made of love. How open is your heart? Are you wounded? Are you carrying around old sorrows or losses that are stopping your heart from being open?  Sturt Desert Pea is such a wonderful essence to help you to let go of these things.

Isopogon is one of the key Bush Essences for sailing smoothly through this year, as it helps you to learn the lessons from the experiences you are going through. After all, this is one of the key aspects of what a Year 7 is all about.If anyone in your circle of friends and family is going through a particularly difficult time and feel like they've “been hit by a Mack truck” we always have the Emergency Essence up our sleeve to help them cope and deal with what's happening for them.

Much Love, Light and Respect



Founder & Managing Director


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