Ian's Update

13 min read

Ian's December 2023 Newsletter

December 12, 2023
Join Ian as he recaps the year that was, including lots of new products that took over a year to create. Take the journey with him as he looks back at his most memorable moments from 2023.
Ian's December 2023 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
Organic Focus Skin & Space Mist 50ml

Focus Essence Space Mist

Remedy Mist50 ml
EnhancesClarityFocusAssimilates Ideas


EnhancesClarityFocusAssimilates Ideas
Serenity Pendant - Green

Serenity Pendant Green

ReleasesOver CommittedImpatienceOverwhelm
EnhancesWind DownClarityCalmness & Peace


ReleasesOver CommittedImpatienceOverwhelm
EnhancesWind DownClarityCalmness & Peace
Honey Myrtle Hydrating Mist - 100ml

Honey Myrtle Hydrating Mist

Mist100 ml
BenefitsHydrationGlowing ComplexionProtective Barrier


BenefitsHydrationGlowing ComplexionProtective Barrier
Flower Insight Cards (includes 70 cards)

Flower Insight Cards



Air Essence 10ml

Air Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Fire Essence 10ml

Fire Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Organic Space Clearing Essence Skin & Space Mist 100ml

Space Clearing Space Mist 100ml

Remedy Mist100 ml
ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy


ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy

A Year in Review 

As we near the end of the year I thought I would review and share with you some of the highlights of the last twelve months.


At the very top of the list would have to be the making of Calophyllum inophyllum, the first new  Bush Essence in 19 years! I first came across this tree last June. I only had a very narrow window of opportunity to prepare the essence this year as I I was leaving in early April to start my first European and Japanese teaching trip in four years and it was incredibly busy in the leadup to my departure.

However, I had a very strong knowing that Calophyllum was an incredibly important essence that needed to be made now and I would just have to find the time. 

The tree, which grows in far north QLD where the rainforest comes down to meet the ocean and the Great Barrier Reef, is very spectacular with its glossy, dark, green leaves and can reach a height of 25 metres.  

This is very much an essence for these times and it is not surprising that it has chosen to come through at this point. 

Calophyllum helps one to develop and activate one’s leadership qualities. This Essence’s constitutional type are inspiring leaders, not only do they want to point out the way, but they want to unite and bring others with them. “Come on, this is the way, let’s go!” is their clarion call. They are very enthusiastic, they have a strong connection to Spirit, which gives them certainty in knowing where they're going and what they should do. Like its branches, that emerge after being buried under the sand, nothing is going to stop them. They have tremendous resilience, determination and focus.


They care about others and want what's best for everyone. They have a strong sense of morality, what's right and will fight for this. They have an ancient, strong, ferocious, warrior energy and they won't let anything get in the way of where they're going. They are very positive, focused people.

Calophyllum really works to shift people out of their comfort zone and is an excellent remedy for anyone doubting their leadership abilities or who are waiting for others to lead and act.

This year at ABFE we have developed and launched a number of new products. We released our Focus Remedy Mist, containing all the same essences as found in the Focus Remedy Essences (previously named Cognis Essence), but also infused with pure essential oils in a luxurious mist format that can be used in multiple applications to enhance focus, clarity, integration of ideas and information. It's the perfect companion for intense study sessions or any endeavour that requires your utmost concentration.

Serenity Green Pendant

We introduced our Serenity Green Pendant, a one-of-a-kind hand-blown glass necklace infused with our Calm & Clear Essence Remedy at stock strength. 


Honey Myrtle Hydrating Mist

Our organic ABFE Skincare range was expanded with the addition of our Honey Myrtle Hydrating Mist, one I use daily and love.

Flower Insight Cards 

The Flower Insight Cards were totally revamped this year – and after twenty-seven years they were looking a tad dated. Now, with their changes they are absolutely stunning and even more fully reflect the beauty and potency of our Essences. Many of the old images have been replaced with better ones. This will help you more easily understand the clues nature has given to the healing qualities of each flower by its shape and colour - what ancient herbalists termed, the Doctrine of Signatures.

On the new cards we have also removed the border and all text on the side of the card with the image so that the image is larger and more striking. The design of the box has also been updated.

New Release

These are not the only new cards that we will be launching this year. Watch out for a very special announcement in a few day’s time. We are going to go out with a bang to end this year!


With all travel restriction finally lifted, I made my first teaching trip to Europe and Japan in four years. Belgium was the initial port of call and meeting in person for the first time our distributors there, Yves and Karen Peger.

We also had the pleasure of meeting the owners, Ben and Graham and their incredibly passionate sales team, of our new UK distributor, Living Planet. 

Of course, it was great catching up too with friends and our long-time distributors after all these years away.


This year we started distributing in Romania, while in Bulgaria, our long-time distributor, Dr. Irena Mazhdrakova has handed over the baton to Desislava Angelova (on the right with Ian and Jane in the image below). They have been working together teaching Bush Essence workshops to so many doctors, practitioners and interested people in Bulgaria for many years. I will be teaching workshops in both these countries next year.

One of my favourite workshops to teach is the Level 3, where I get to share the magic involved in making a flower essence with the participants. As well as teaching our annual Australian Level 3, I also taught three in Europe – one each in the German and Italian speaking parts of Switzerland and in Italy.

This year was my twentieth anniversary of running workshops in Italy with Green Remedies. Anna, the owner, does things in style!  She hired a famous castle on Lake Garda, and that evening bussed all the workshop participants and their partners - approximately 250 people, to celebrate there.  The amazing views were supplemented by wonderful wine and food.  A definite highlight of the year! 

After all the teaching and travelling, Jane and I took our first trip to Corsica for a little bit of R and R. The flowers there were stunning and have been chatting to me ever since.

Back in Australia, my dear friend and brilliant Bush Essence teacher, Caitlin Graham-Jones (in the image below on the right with Jane), broke the news to me that she wanted to stop teaching. I am so grateful for her wonderful work sharing the Bush Essences to so many people over such a long time. I feel very blessed by the amazing people, such as Caitlin, who have come into my life through the Bush Essences.

Still in Victoria, Julie Veenstra (in the image below on the left with Ian), an animal communicator and healer, as well as our workshop co-ordinator there, ran her first Animal Wellness and ABFE workshop that introduces you to the incredible world of Australian Bush Flower Essences and how they can work wonders for our furry, feathery & scaly friends. It was a great success and Julie received an ‘excellent’ from every participant in their questionnaires – this is not easy to achieve! In fact, Caitlin also achieved this in her last workshop and saw that as the perfect note to go out on. Julie will be running her Animal Healing and Australian Bush Flower Essences workshop Online next year. Don’t miss it - you will be blown away!!



Of course, every year entails the re-making of the mother tinctures and this has been a very busy essence-making year.  In November I went to Western Australia to teach and make up Macrocarpa. On my previous visits I hadn’t been able to find any in flower from my usual locations, thankfully they were flowering this time.

It wasn’t such a happy tale with making lichen. It is a nine hour round trip to where I make this essence and this year I decided to bring the dead branches with the lichen on them back home to make the mother tinctures. While waiting for a sunny day to make it, our casual gardener came a week earlier than expected and not realising their significance tossed them over the cliff – we live on an escarpment. Trips with a machete into the rugged “jungle” below to retrieve them were unsuccessful. Next year! The joys of making flower essences!

In a few days’ time the Summer Solstice will be here in the Southern Hemisphere where we will have the longest day of the year. The Solstice also marks the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and their shortest day.

Summer corresponds to the element of Air and taking the White Light Essences Remedy Air at the beginning of the new season allows you to easily energetically align yourself to it. This is one of seven White Light Essences that I have made in high energy locations around the planet.

If living in the Northern Hemisphere the Fire Essence is the remedy aligning to the element of Fire and to winter. Also, in the wintertime with significantly less sun, both Bush Iris and Sunshine Wattle can be thought of.  

Another thing I recommend to prepare for the new year is to release any built-up negative and emotional psychic energies in your home and workspace, by spraying them with the Space Clearing Mist. It is fantastic in creating a peaceful and harmonious environment.

Wishing you a very happy festive season and a wonderful 2024.


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