Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian’s February 2024 Video Newsletter

February 12, 2024

Embrace Love, Acknowledgement & Self-Nurturing

Ian’s February 2024 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Philotheca - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSelf-deprecationExcessive generosity
EnhancesAbility to let in praiseLooking after own needs


ReleasesSelf-deprecationExcessive generosity
EnhancesAbility to let in praiseLooking after own needs
Transition Essence 30ml

Transition Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesFeeling StuckLack of DirectionNon-Acceptance
EnhancesAcceptance of ChangeSerenityPassing Over In PeaceSense of Direction


ReleasesFeeling StuckLack of DirectionNon-Acceptance
EnhancesAcceptance of ChangeSerenityPassing Over In PeaceSense of Direction

Abund Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Abund Essence Aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage, and poverty consciousness. In so doing, it allows you to be open to fully receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial.

Abund Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Abund Oral Spray 30ml

Abund Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Body Beautiful Essence 30ml

Body Beautiful Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self


ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self
The Body Beautiful Essence bundle encourages self-love, acceptance, and body care. It helps deal with any dislike and non-acceptance of your body, skin texture, and intimate touch.

Body Beautiful Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self


ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self
Body Beautiful Essence Trio

Body Beautiful Essence Trio

Remedy Bundle
ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self


ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self
Body Beautiful Oral Spray 30ml

Body Beautiful Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 ml
ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self


ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self
Body Beautiful Organic Essence Cream 50ml

Body Beautiful Essence Therapeutic Cream

Remedy Creams50 ml
ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self


ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self
Mumma Mojo Essence Bundle

Mumma Mojo Essence Bundle

ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal
Mumma Mojo Essence - 30ml

Mumma Mojo Remedy Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal
Mumma Mojo Oral Spray 30ml

Mumma Mojo Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal

Many of us struggle with accepting love, acknowledgement and taking care of ourselves - often leaving our achievements unnoticed and our wellbeing neglected. Join Ian as he explores how this remarkable Bush Essence can aid in dissolving any barriers or resistance that may be hindering you from embracing the affection that others have for you. Allowing love to flow freely into your life, will not only strengthen your relationships but also develop a sense of fulfilment and happiness.You are worthy of all the love and recognition that comes your way. So why not let Philotheca Bush Essence help you unlock your ultimate potential and look after your own needs?




Philotheca: Share Love

I wanted to find a greater sense of acknowledgement, so I took Philotheca. With Philotheca I was overjoyed in seeing and sharing the experiences coming from others around me too. A greater understanding of 'Your Happiness is My Happiness and My Happiness is Your Happiness'. Taking pleasure in both accepting and offering love, support and praise.

I drove to Kent to visit my sister and her partner for two days, calling in to see my ex in London for a few hours on the way. Philotheca made it naturally easy to acknowledge his achievements with blessings. I wished his home to be full of love. I drove on with a knowing of us still singing each other's praises.

The whole weekend followed this theme of love, support, receiving and deserving of the Philotheca. My sister and partner took me to a superb Chinese restaurant. Offering to pay my way (they wouldn't let me) highlighted a lesson in receiving love for me and to acknowledge myself for where I was in life right now (working part time and earning in a month what my sister earns in a day). So, without thoughts of good or bad and a clear acceptance of 'what is' I joyfully thought, "I might not be at a stage of paying for fabulous meals out right now but Philotheca is helping me to accept this with more grace". The evening was wonderful to enjoy company, laugh and celebrate being together and to share the happiness of my sister getting her great new job, the success of which 'deserved' recognition of her hard-earned achievements, perseverance and keeping her goals and aims high! Philotheca was helping to appreciate the 'NOW' moment.

Philotheca opens us to the energies of sharing and knowing the love that others feel for us and us for them. We welcome the things we are glad about for ourselves and one another more readily. Whatever form that love and support is offered in at the time will be what we need to receive. It might be to pat another on the back for achievements great or small, to pat ourselves on the back, to say our thank-yous and appreciation with kind words, a card, a hug, a thoughtful gesture, a prayer or offer of silent blessing for another's happiness. For truly how we 'receive' another's happiness is a measure of how we receive our own happiness. 

Helen Lesley Megginson, UK 


Transition Essence

My daughter turned 18 a few days ago and she has a lovely young man now in her life which happened two days before Christmas so as you can imagine the Transition Essence was perfect for me!  And I probably wouldn't have thought of it without you promoting it!

And it is helping me so much!  It is helping me see that this is now time to put energy and care into me. It's helping me recognise how much I have put into helping my daughter through the awful things she has been through. It's helping me to let go in faith and trust that she has everything she needs to step out and individuate.  Best of all it's helping me to alter my communication with her to "what works" between us through this new phase as she flexes into adulthood. I am so very grateful Ian for you and the beautiful assistance support care and healing that I receive each and every day!!!

My neighbour has an 18 year old girl and she and my daughter have been friends on and off since they were 5. There are daily fights (audible to us next door) between the parents and the girl as they struggle with trying to find their places. I don't like conflict and I'm doubly grateful that so far, thanks to the Transition Essence , we are moving forward with peace and mutual respect as she finds her way.

Rox, NSW


Philotheca: Profound & Powerful

My Philotheca experience was very profound. In Ian’s book he writes about a process of acknowledgement for oneself.  I tried it while I was alone and it was way too hard.  It is suggested that you do the process with another person. I thought, well it’s good I never have to put myself through that torture.

The weekend of the Bush Essences workshop arrived and it was the last hour of the first day when Ian announced that we would partner up for the acknowledgement process. I felt like leaving the room and hiding in the bathroom until it was over, but I stayed. We both took 7 drops of Philotheca. Neither my partner nor I found this easy. It was a struggle to get through it but we did. The next morning when the workshop recommenced we were asked about how we found the process. I explained how my fear of the process and the projection of that fear had brought me face to face with it in a fairly short time. Immediately Ian began questioning me in great detail on what had happened the evening before and then he questioned my friend.  So now we had gone through this process again in front of a room holding approximately one hundred people where initially I could not handle it with just me. The positive side of this experience was that later on I realised how ridiculous it is to be so afraid to acknowledge oneself but be so ready to acknowledge others - which I am. Philotheca has an extremely powerful heart and throat connection.

S.Carter, NSW 

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