Ian White is the founder of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and a 5th generation Australian herbalist. Ia graduated from the University of NSW with a Bachelor of Science before completing degrees in Naturopathy, Herbal Medicine and Homoeopathy and has been practicing successfully as a Naturopath since 1979. His great-great-grandmother, worked as a herbalist during Australia’s Gold Rush in the 1850’s.
Both Ian’s great-grandmother and grandmother, also both herbalists, were among the first white people to research and use Australian native plants for healing. Ian as a young boy grew up in the bush, living next door to his grandmother and would spend as much time as possible helping her make her herbal tinctures and extracts. She would often take him for walks in the bush teaching him the healing qualities of many of the plants and flowers within the Australian landscape. Ian learned a profound respect for and connection to nature through her Ian has continued this family tradition, though specializing in the emotional and spiritual qualities of the Australian bush and has spent over 30 years of intensive research pioneering his range of Australian Bush Flower Essences. He is the author of five major books and regularly teaches workshops on the Bush Essences and his Spiritual ranges of Essences in over 30 countries.
Ian is accompanied on his teaching and Essence making trips by his wife Jane who is the principal harpist in the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra. Jane, also highly skilled in Flower Essences and Numerology, has collaborated with Ian on a number of musical projects including the White Light CD. Grace, Ian’s daughter, works in Event Management but he doesn’t think at this moment that she is likely to become the 6th generation Australian herbalist! Ian’s other great passion is body surfing which he tries to indulge daily.