Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian's November 2022 Video Newsletter

November 18, 2022
Ian's November 2022 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Pink Mulla Mulla - Australia

Pink Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up


ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up
Sturt Desert Rose - Australia

Sturt Desert Rose

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuiltRegret and remorseEasily led
EnhancesCourageConvictionTrue to self Integrity


ReleasesGuiltRegret and remorseEasily led
EnhancesCourageConvictionTrue to self Integrity
Crowea - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesA sense of being not quite right
EnhancesPeace calm & balanceClarity of feelings


ReleasesA sense of being not quite right
EnhancesPeace calm & balanceClarity of feelings
Gymea Lily Essence bottle and flowers. Designed for individuals with intense, extroverted personalities, this remedy addresses arrogance, bringing about humility and strength. Ideal for those seeking to balance their charismatic, demanding nature and reach new heights.

Gymea Lily

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesArrogantAttention seekingCraving status
EnhancesHumilityAwareness appreciation of others


ReleasesArrogantAttention seekingCraving status
EnhancesHumilityAwareness appreciation of others
Sturt Desert Pea - Australia

Sturt Desert Pea

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving


EnhancesLetting goTriggers healthy grieving
Dog Rose - Australia

Dog Rose

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesConfidenceBelief in selfCourage


EnhancesConfidenceBelief in selfCourage

Emergency Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength

Pink Mulla Mulla is one of the deepest acting of all the Bush Essences, working right out to the outer causal body and it is for this reason that it works at such a deep, profound spiritual level. When being prepared as a mother tincture it colours the water, the only essence to do so. In this case, staining the water a very intense pink. On an emotional level it helps people open up to others as they are afraid that if they let someone close to them they will be hurt by that person. Consequently, they often push people away and put on a very tough exterior to hide their vulnerability.



Pink Mulla Mulla

Until I began working at Neal’s Yard Remedies I had only a slight grasp on what flower essences were and had not heard of the Bush Flower Essences.  Encouraged by colleagues I used the insight cards to choose an essence blind.  It was Pink Mulla Mulla, which I then looked up immediately.  The description resonated strongly with me but I remained reluctant to try it, as if not ready.  Within a 4 week period I pulled Pink Mulla Mulla out of the cards 3 times out of the 4 times I tried and I couldn’t ignore the message any longer!

The instant I took the essence I felt lifted, soothed and almost like a different person.  The effect was startling and instantaneous.  There was a feeling of calm, relief and healing.  Through this first experience with the essences I was able to let go of an old hurt and move forward in spiritual development.  The progress I’ve made has been greatly accelerated by using the Pink Mulla Mulla.

Alex Gibson, UK 


Sturt Desert Rose

 Of all the times I have prescribed this Essence the one that is the most vivid related to a woman who had abandoned her 3 children when they were very young and had not had any contact with them for over 40 years. Before she left she had been in a very violent and abusive marriage, frequently being beaten by her husband. After one such occasion she was encouraged to see a chiropractor for treatment of her injuries. Being in a very vulnerable place and experiencing tender touch from a male for the first time, she had been seduced by the chiropractor during the treatment. Racked with incredible guilt for what had transpired she felt she was a bad person and that her children would be better off without her. For the next 40 years, until her eldest son tracked her down, she was in a constant state of guilt for allowing the seduction to happen and for not being there to see her 3 boys grow up. Sturt Desert Rose was used alone initially for a month and then repeated for another month after a 2 week break when she was on Sexuality essence for the original physical abuse from her husband. The most important shift for me was that she was able to forgive herself for both things and was able to feel good about herself once more.  She was also able to reconnect with her boys.

Ian White

Pink Mulla Mulla

Recently I developed severe pain and muscle spasm in my upper back and around my midriff, especially under the ribs and in the kidney area. Physically nothing seemed wrong, the doctor thought it maybe postural – too many hours on the computer – and that rest, pain relief and an improvement in posture would soon fix it.

However, my acupuncturist felt that my pain was related to an energy problem – that there was a lot of energy trying to get through the middle section of my body and it was getting stuck there. He felt it would go, but not fast, and that what was happening in my body should be happening. He said there was a lot of sadness and fear present which had to be processed, hence the pain in the kidney area. “You are really making progress,” he told me, but it didn’t feel like it. For the first time in my life I was experiencing the disabling pain of a “bad back” and I didn’t like it. I made up a mix of Crowea and Gymea Lily essences for back and muscles and also Sturt Desert Pea and Dog Rose to deal with the sadness and concerns. I also used Emergency Essence for the discomfort.

The discomfort wasn’t getting worse but it wasn’t getting better either. Then on the 7th night I woke up at 3am unable to find any position in my bed where I could lie comfortably, with a horrible grabbing sensation and spasm. I got up, made myself a hot drink and stood at my flower essence work area – a high shelf on which I could lean and relieve the discomfort – and started to write by hand my fears, tracing them back to when I was first aware of them. I looked for things I might be sad about and the causes of that sadness. I looked for any possible reason why I was going through this pain. I wanted to deal with it and move on. As I reached deep down into myself I realised that the sadness I felt was related to a longing for a high level of intimacy on an emotional level. I had a sense that I had experienced this level of intimacy previously but could not recall when. However, I could see that I was continually searching for it, always being disappointed in my relationships with other people because I was not finding it there. Then I had a moment of truth when I realised that what I was longing for was my relationship with God. I must have an unconscious memory of it and as a result any other relationship paled in comparison. This longing brought with it incredible nostalgia. This was the sadness in me.


I also realised that although I longed for a repeat of this beautiful intimacy I continually put out prickles to keep people away if they did come too close on any level. I wanted it but I was terrified of getting it. I was afraid of having to reveal my feelings, my vulnerability, and my own inner self. I was afraid to reveal the person I really was because of a fear of being rejected or thought stupid or “emotional” or just disappointed that it wouldn’t reach my expectations. I was rejecting the very thing I wanted most from others. And I sensed that there was hurt from a previous life which made me react this way. I was afraid of the repeat of a past hurt. I was terrified that if I revealed myself, as I am that I would be rejected in such a way that I would be mortally wounded. This was the fear. I could see that I was blocking energy associated with these emotions from moving through and connecting body and spirit. I realised I needed Pink Mulla Mulla. Not just to deal with the past hurt but to clear the block so that the energy could flow.

I took 7 drops of Pink Mulla Mulla stock essence. The result was almost instantaneous. I went to bed and found that most of the pain had gone. And I was full of joy. I was so excited with this almost instant change that I hardly more than dozed till morning. I kept waking up and reliving it. And, when I did get up, once the sun had risen, instead of gingerly moving my body so that I could shift from horizontal to vertical with a minimum of pain, I found that I could move quite easily. It was wonderful.

I added Pink Mulla Mulla to my Essence mix and continued taking it till the bottle was empty. All the soreness was gone within about 10 days. But it was the dramatic change from intense grabbing pain to an easily manageable dull ache, which happened, in the early hours of that morning, after taking the Pink Mulla Mulla that was truly miraculous.

Marie Matthews, NSW 

Much Light, Love and Respect

Ian White


The instant I took the essence I felt lifted, soothed and almost like a different person. The effect was startling and instantaneous. There was a feeling of calm, relief and healing. Through this first experience with the essences I was able to let go of an old hurt and move forward in spiritual development. The progress I’ve made has been greatly accelerated by using the Pink Mulla Mulla.

Alex Gibson, UK

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