Ian's Update

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Ian's October 2024 Newsletter

October 08, 2024
Ian's October 2024 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Sedum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUngroundedFeeling LostScatteredSpiritually Unaware
EnhancesFeeling of UnitySpiritual OptimismUpliftmentAccessing Higher Energies


ReleasesUngroundedFeeling LostScatteredSpiritually Unaware
EnhancesFeeling of UnitySpiritual OptimismUpliftmentAccessing Higher Energies

Last year in Corsica I was drawn to an incredibly stunning local flower, Sedum caeruleum. This was the first time I had ever had the message to make a Flower Essence outside of Australia. Similar to the year before in north Queensland, when I encountered Calophyllum for the first time, it was the last day of my trip in Corsica and I had no Essence-making equipment. I did, however, spend many hours tuning into the flower, receiving a lot of information about it and with the certainty that I needed to come back and make this Essence.

I knew the area in Corsica where I needed to prepare the essence, the problem was finding Sedum in a pristine environment. It was relatively easy to spot Sedum from the road and in many cases growing by the roadside, but essences need to be made a long way from roads. Unfortunately, nearly everywhere the terrain was quite impenetrable and it was very hard to travel any distance away from the road. There was one area that looked promising, but it turned out it to be a military zone and signposted with warnings of, “danger of death” due to weapon firing. I have been directed to make essences; on a slippery, narrow edge of a waterfall; in crocodile infested waters and in Peru, climbing up incredibly high, wooden ladders, many of which were rotten, to reach the summit of a mountain, but I have never had to run the risk of being shot at! I looked for another location and really, the only one at all suitable was where I actually made the essence.

Sedum is an erect succulent and shrub with thick, fleshy red leaves and stems. The flowers are star-shaped with six petals and the colour varies from azure-blue to a light mauve, while its buds are white.

In Latin sedum means to sit and this refers to this plant growing on rocks on clifftops where it is a low-growing ground cover found in dense colonies. It is quite unique in that it germinates, flowers, sets seed and dies all in the same year. It belongs to the family Crassulaceae and is found around the Mediterranean region of North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.

One of its common names is ‘sky stone-crop’ as many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.

When you find a colony of this flower it looks like stars of a galaxy connecting to the wisdom of the universe and very other-worldly. Though I think of them as stars on Earth.

This Essence is for those to remember their source energy and where they have come from. The sun is a star and we need its lifeforce, its energy. Sedum allows you to fully bring in your spiritual self. The red stem is indicative of how this essence is bringing that cosmic, star energy down into the root of your very being. The energy of the earth is red and red represents the blood, the life-force, the chi, the physicality and doing. Sedum is bringing in the highest source of spiritual energy to fully root and ground your Higher Self. It brings all your spiritual energy into your being, into your incarnation, which will also help heal your consciousness.

Sedum’s white buds represent the highest source of spiritual energy. The blue of this flower is symbolic of the spiritual opening to and anchoring of one’s Higher Self. Sedum’s invitation is, “Come into me, great spirit of my being.” This is a Higher Self embodiment essence!

It is also a very good remedy for mediums as it strengthens their channel so they can bring in the highest energies, the ascended light and ground it. Sedum will bring this light right into their bodies and they will be very aware of feeling that light inside them. As these higher energies are coming in, they in turn strengthen the medium and their channel. There are a lot of beings developing their mediumship at this moment as Spirit wants as many channels as possible on earth to bring in the spiritual light and uplift the frequency. This is very much needed right now.


Sedum reminds teachers what they have come to teach on a spiritual level. It also creates a strong sense of unity and wanting to be part of something for a higher good. It represents masses of individuals, all united and supporting one another and connected to the Light – an army of Lightworkers. These individuals are not lambs being blindly led, rather everyone is strong and empowered.

Sedum enables you to look for and be a part of something and feel the unity of it. This is carrying on from Calophyllum but going deeper in this regard. It creates a sense of spiritual optimism, feeling a part of and also the power of Spirit. It is very uplifting and empowering.

Whilst making the Essence I received this message:

“Open your eyes, see what is going on.”
“Open your eyes and see Spirit around you.”
“Open your eyes and see the strength, you’re not alone.”

Positives of Sedum:

  • Feeling of unity
  • Spiritual optimism and empowerment
  • Upliftment
  • Accessing higher energies
  • Anchors and activates your Higher Self

Negatives of Sedum:

  • Ungrounded
  • Feeling lost
  • Scattered
  • Spiritually unaware

Sedum is an exciting and unique addition to our collection, reflecting the increasing need right now for bringing in the Spiritual light and uplifting the frequency on the planet with this healing gift from nature. I invite you to embrace and share this special essence.

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