Ian's Update

13 min read

Ian’s May 2024 Newsletter

May 14, 2024
Discover invaluable Bush Essence tips in Ian's May Newsletter, covering pets, newborns and early child care. Learn about their transformative power and Ian's expert travel advice, including insights on machines like Healy, Mora.
Ian’s May 2024 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Sleep Essence & Aromatherapy Roll-On

Sleep Essence Roll-On

Remedy Roll-on10 ml
ReleasesBusy MindRestlessnessTension
EnhancesRestful SleepTranquillityRelaxation


ReleasesBusy MindRestlessnessTension
EnhancesRestful SleepTranquillityRelaxation
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership
2024 Essence 30ml

2024 Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesDoubtNegative PatternsOverconcernPowerlessness


ReleasesDoubtNegative PatternsOverconcernPowerlessness

Emergency Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Organic Emergency Essence Skin & Space Mist 50ml

Emergency Essence Space Mist

Remedy Mist50 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Emergency Organic Essence Cream 50ml

Emergency Essence Therapeutic Cream

Remedy Creams50 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Emergency Oral Spray 30ml

Emergency Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Mountain Devil - Australia

Mountain Devil

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesHostilityHolding grudgesSuspiciousness
EnhancesHappinessHealthy boundariesForgiveness


ReleasesHostilityHolding grudgesSuspiciousness
EnhancesHappinessHealthy boundariesForgiveness
Organic Space Clearing Essence Skin & Space Mist 50ml

Space Clearing Space Mist

Remedy Mist50 ml
ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy


ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy
Organic Space Clearing Essence Skin & Space Mist 100ml

Space Clearing Space Mist 100ml

Remedy Mist100 ml
ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy


ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy
Fringed Violet - Australia

Fringed Violet

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection


ReleasesDamage to auraLack of psychic protection
EnhancesHeals damage to the auraPsychic protection
Travel Essence 30ml

Travel Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm


ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm
Organic Travel Essence Skin & Space Mist 50ml

Travel Essence Space Mist

Remedy Mist50 ml
ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm


ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm
Travel Organic Essence Cream 50ml

Travel Essence Therapeutic Cream

Remedy Creams50 ml
ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm


ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm
Travel Oral Spray 30ml

Travel Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 ml
ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm


ReleasesEmotional Effects of TravelDepletedDrainedOverwhelm
My previous dog Pixie and I, who happened to eat a Fringed Violet flower whilst I was filming a Fringed Violet video. I've tagged the full video at the end of the blog for you to watch in full.

For this newsletter I was intending to share a number of tips and insights about working with the Bush Essences. However, with my recent induction into grand-fatherhood I thought it very appropriate to put a lot of the focus on suggestions for birthing and the early months of a child’s life.

However, I can’t let the opportunity pass without mentioning the launch of our new Sleep Roll-On. I am so excited and very happy with it. Though, a word of warning, don’t use it until you’re ready for sleep!

A dear friend of the Bush Essence family, Rox Subramany, mentioned to me just yesterday how happy and proud she is of the way we have been marketing and presenting the Bush Essences over the last year or so. Rox thanked me for the many lives that have been touched and altered through the Bush Essences and stated that they have been undervalued for far too long and it’s lovely to see the way we have been promoting them. I certainly agree and really felt that our use of the videos with the model for the first time promoting the new Sleep roll-on was a very positive step-up and gives the Essences the justice they deserve. In Karena, our Graphic Designer, and Nastassja, our Marketing Manager, we have a fantastic enthusiastic team who work so well together and are doing a great job.


It was Nastassja who reminded me very recently that it’s the one-year anniversary of the launch of Calophyllum, which was the first new Bush Essence in 19 years – and what a doozy it is! It’s wonderful seeing the incredibly positive feedback coming from people who have been working with this Essence. It’s also the cornerstone of our 2024 Essence. Calophyllum leads you to get on with what you are here to do. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and directs you to take up a very active role in your life.  I would greatly appreciate receiving your feedback on these two Essences – and the new roll-on if you have been using them.

Now for the tips! Earlier today our dog Rosie had a visit to the vet. Whenever she goes we take a bottle of Space Clearing with us and ask the staff to spray the consulting room with it before taking Rosie in. Our pets are very sensitive and psychically attuned. They regularly perceive the pain, suffering and grief that has occurred in these rooms before. Rosie’s response is for her tail to immediately go between her legs and get very agitated when she enters the vet’s clinic. A dose of Emergency Essence and the spraying of the Space Clearing makes a huge difference.


Cats can be very fussy and difficult to give Essences to. A very effective way is to put the drops on their paws which they will duly quickly lick off. Dogs generally are a lot easier to give the drops to orally. One woman told me how in her large fish tank she had one particularly aggressive fish that was attacking the others and that seven drops of Mountain Devil into the tank quickly stopped this behaviour.

Of course, it’s not just our animals who are very sensitive but especially anyone born in this millennium who would have at least one ‘2’ in their birthdate. Many will have multiple 2s. The number 2 in Numerology is all about sensitivity, intuition as well as cooperation. When my daughter Grace and her husband Lachlan headed off to the hospital to have their baby, Space Clearing was one of the first Bush Essence products in their accompanying birth kit. Not only was the birth suite immediately sprayed with the Space Clearing but also their house when they bought their new child Hudson home.

Many parents have let me know how relieved they’ve been when the Space Clearing has been able to settle their newborn child, when they have been totally perplexed as to why it’s still crying, even though the baby has been fed, is dry and without any colic, but is still upset. These sensitive beings pick up on far more than most adults.

One other reason that explains why many children seem to be crying for no apparent reason in the first week – and often around the same time that they were born – is that they are processing the birth experience. A dose of either Fringed Violet or Emergency Essence greatly helps this process and allow them to process it in a far calmer way.

Fringed Violet is always recommended by me to help close the aura of the new baby which is open for 6 weeks around the anterior fontanelle or baby’s soft spot. This is why some cultures are very careful about who comes in to contact with the child in those first 6 weeks. Some cultures make sure the child doesn’t touch the ground during that period. I would certainly not recommend taking the baby out where there is going to be a lot of people in that first 6 weeks. You have no way of screening people who energetically you would not want near your child. To close the aura around the anterior fontanelle all you need to do is put a few drops of Fringed Violet on your fingertips and make a cross over the anterior fontanelle.

Some parents of young children have concern about giving their child the Bush Essences because of the brandy preservative. Alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water so if you put the 7 drops in to a small amount of hot (not boiling) water – the temperature at which you would drink a cup of tea – the small amount of brandy in the dose (1.5 drops approximately) will evaporate. Alternatively, you can put the drops on topically or use a therapeutic cream, or roll-on if they contain the Essence or Essences you want for your child.

When I am asked how I feel about machines such as Healy, Mora etc that create a radionic copy of the Bush Essences I reply stating that the Essences created by them are a very pale, poor imitation of the Bush Essences and I don’t recommend them. The biggest problems are that they totally remove the self-adjusting quality of the Essences and that they contain nothing from the Devic and Spiritual kingdom which were present when the Essences are created by me in pristine environments out in nature.


Image 1 : Jane and I with our grandson Hudson. Image 2: our dog Rosie the Sydney Silky.

In a few days time I will be flying out for a 3 month teaching trip in Europe and Japan. Not only will Space Clearing be one of the first things I pack but also Travel Essence drops. Most of the Essences have the same dose, 7 drops on rising and retiring, however when flying I highly recommend you take 7 drops of Travel Essence every hour you are awake on the plane.  I have often flown for 24 hours to arrive either in Europe or Brazil on a Friday and started teaching a weekend workshop the next day. I was never able to do that before Travel Essence. Once, on entering the British Airways lounge, the member of staff greeting customers smiled at me and said “On behalf of so many of our pilots and crew, I would like to thank you for your Travel Essence!”.

One of our old teachers was also a commercial pilot and was commissioned by her airline to investigate the impact on both flight and cabin crew whilst flying. Based on her research we created the Travel Essence which has fourteen individual Essences in it as there are so many factors impacting you when you are in the air. For most people when you are making up a dose bottle for yourself, patient or loved one, I recommend only adding Essences that are relating to one specific theme. It’s not very often that you would need more than four Essences in your dose bottle and very rarely more than five. The ‘shotgun approach’ of putting in Essences to cover every problem a person has will give you scattered results. The fourteen Essences in Travel Essence is for a very unique situation. We weren’t designed to be flying in a metal box 35,000 feet above the ground at high speeds!

Once I am back from this teaching trip I will be announcing details of a brand new workshop which will go in to great detail about choosing and prescribing the Bush Essences.

Watch the full video on Fringed Violet below, with special guest my old dog Pixie the Sydney Silky.

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