Ian's Update

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Ian's August 2024 Newsletter

August 08, 2024
Discover the transformative 2024 Essence in Ian White's latest newsletter. This unique blend of Australian Bush Flower Essences, optimised for a Universal Year 8, explores the significance of using the Essence in August for abundance, prosperity and personal growth.
Ian's August 2024 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Abund Essence Aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage, and poverty consciousness. In so doing, it allows you to be open to fully receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial.

Abund Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 ml
ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust


ReleasesPessimismClosed to ReceivingPoverty Consciousness
EnhancesJoyful SharingAbundanceUniversal Trust
Monga Waratah - Australia

Monga Waratah

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesNeedinessCo-dependencyAddictive personality
EnhancesSelf-empowermentStrengthening one's will


ReleasesNeedinessCo-dependencyAddictive personality
EnhancesSelf-empowermentStrengthening one's will
Red Grevillea - Australia

Red Grevillea

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others


ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others
Hibbertia - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesExcessive self-discipline SuperiorityPerfectionist
EnhancesContent with own knowledge


ReleasesExcessive self-discipline SuperiorityPerfectionist
EnhancesContent with own knowledge
Angelsword - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication


ReleasesSpiritually possessedSpiritual confusion
EnhancesSpiritual discernmentSpiritual communication

A common recurring scenario at many of the workshops during my recent European teaching trip was participants coming up in the break excitedly sharing their incredibly positive experiences from taking the 2024 Essence.

This Essence was created to help you optimise the energies available to us this year, which in numerology is a Universal Year 8. To determine what Universal Year we are in, add up the individual numbers of the year. i.e. 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8.

I selected eight Bush Essences for this transformative remedy, which were tailored to empower you and to enrich and optimise your experience across all twelve months of 2024. I wanted it to foster a profound connection for you to the energies and potential that will define you and this year.

However, August, being the eighth month of this year, would be an especially excellent time to be taking this Essence. If you have already taken it, I would highly recommend repeating it for at least two weeks during this month. If you haven’t taken it, but thinking about it, now would be the perfect time to start working with the 2024 Essence.

This is what individuals have been posting on our website about their experience of taking the 2024 Essence.

2024 Testimonials

"I'm still new to this Essence, but I've already noticed some powerful shifts. It is emotionally supportive, brings clarity and focus to a busy mind, and helps one to see and feel one's way through pathways that may not have been considered before. So glad I ordered two!"

"It’s hard to believe that I started this essence two weeks ago, I feel so completely different in myself. It's as though an old shell has dissolved and I can show the world who I really am-without fear. I have much greater faith in myself-and life."

"Absolutely love this essence. In this tumultuous time, it allows us to stand firm and strong on our two legs with a clear sense of direction and complete commitment to our deepest belief systems regarding equality of all of earth’s inhabitants, allowing new ways and better systems to come through. Could not have come at a better time."
Suzan Turan

"The 2024 Essence was truly expansive. I experienced a remarkable influx of energy that radiated into all areas of my life. At work, I felt more productive and focused, while at home, I developed deeper connections with my loved ones. The positive impact was both profound and transformative. I look forward to taking it again in August to see what new experiences the 2024 Essence will bring me."
Karena Alfaro

"This is my second bottle and helps me align with my life."

"Interestingly I have noticed that overall, I'm sleeping more solidly at night which is great. My head is less busy. Thank you."

"I started 2024 with a sense of transition & change, transformation & further embodying of my higher self. I wish I knew of the 2024 Bush Essence earlier...since getting it a few weeks ago, I feel it's supporting my "tuning in" to this year's transformational energies. Thank you Ian for this offering, greatly appreciated."

"2024 Essence of Presence in every moment connecting to Knowing & trust in Inner messages of truth."

"I've recently had an upheaval in my personal life and I am finding this essence a great support for me in coming home to myself, letting go of things that I no longer need and getting more clear about what I do need. It's been a great way to attune with myself and quiet the outside noise that can sometimes interrupt my own knowing. I have felt aligned in the choices and actions that I have been taking during this time of personal growth and transformation."

Workshop participants talked about starting projects they had been thinking of doing for years, but never got around to – such as writing books, opening healing clinics or changing jobs. Many spoke of being far more positive as well as being very focused and clear about what they wanted to do. This is what Grant, our General Manager, had to say about this Essence.

“2024 Essence helped bring focus to my day in the office when I had multiple projects and tasks going. I felt I could calmly prioritise and get through my workloads without feeling overwhelmed.”

I would love to hear of your experiences when working with this Essence.

Click here for more information on the 2024 Essence.

Universal Year 8: Abundance and Prosperity

A Universal Year 8 is a great time for abundance and prosperity. There is a nine-year cycle in the Universal Years. In 2025 we will be in a Universal Year 9. Nine represents the beginning of the cycle and is a wonderful time for change and new beginnings. This could be changing where you live or changing careers etc. If there is going to be major change, then it’s often accompanied by increased financial costs. The preceding Year 8 is a great time for abundance and prosperity to help fund any changes that may occur in a Year 9.

Eight is a very lucky number and strongly connected to financial wellbeing and abundance in many cultures, especially Chinese.

Consequently, another Essence to consider taking this year and especially during the eighth month of August, is the Abund Essence. This remedy aids in releasing a sense of lack, as well as negative beliefs, family patterns and subconscious sabotage impacting on one’s abundance and prosperity. In so doing, it allows you to be fully open to receiving great riches on all levels, not just financial. The Abund Essence dovetails very nicely with the 2024 Essence.

A Universal Year 8 can be summarised as being a year of independence, wisdom and prosperity. Bush Essences that can be thought of for enhancing these first two qualities are Monga Waratah and Red Grevillea for the former, whilst Hibbertia, Angelsword and Red Grevillea would be my suggestions for the latter, wisdom.

2024 Essence helped bring focus to my day in the office when I had multiple projects and tasks going. I felt I could calmly prioritise and get through my workloads without feeling overwhelmed.

Grant Parker2024 Essence

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