Ian's Update

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Ian's December 2022 Newsletter

December 06, 2022
Ian's December 2022 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Turkey Bush - Australia

Turkey Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesCreative blockDisbelief in own ability
EnhancesInspiration Renews artistic confidenceFocus


ReleasesCreative blockDisbelief in own ability
EnhancesInspiration Renews artistic confidenceFocus
Creative Essence 30ml

Creative Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesCreative BlocksDifficulty Expressing Feelings
EnhancesCreative ExpressionPublic SpeakingEnhances Singing


ReleasesCreative BlocksDifficulty Expressing Feelings
EnhancesCreative ExpressionPublic SpeakingEnhances Singing
Organic Space Clearing Essence Skin & Space Mist 100ml

Space Clearing Space Mist 100ml

Remedy Mist100 ml
ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy


ReleasesNegative EnergyBlockedStagnent Fatigue
EnhancesBalanceHarmonyClears Energy
Organic Emergency Essence Skin & Space Mist 50ml

Emergency Essence Space Mist

Remedy Mist50 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Air Essence 10ml

Air Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Fire Essence 10ml

Fire Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Numerology allows you to chart the special energy available throughout the calendar year for both the collective as well as the individual.

 If you add each of the individual numbers up of the current year 2022 i.e.  2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6. Numerologically this means that for the whole of this current year everyone on the planet is in a Universal Year 6 energy or vibration. Six is all about creativity, relationships and the home. In 2022 we are more easily able to tap into these themes of the Year 6.  It is up to us if we wish to utilise these energies that are available to us more readily during this year. Unfortunately, many people don't even know about these energies that are available to harness each year. 

The energy in a Year 6 is even more concentrated and more easily accessible in those months divisible by 6, June and December. Consequently, this would be a wonderful month if you were wishing to express or develop your creativity. One hundred hours spent exploring or learning a musical instrument, painting, sculpting or singing in a Year 6 would produce better results than the similar time spent in these activities in any of the other eight years of this nine-year cycle. In nine years’ time, in 2031, we will be back in another Universal Year 6.

 If you were wishing to really utilise this available creative energy, then I recommend working with Turkey Bush - the Bush Essence for creativity. You could take it either alone or in a combination, such as the Creative Essence, where it is the key remedy.

Turkey Bush has a very wide distribution and can be found from the Kimberley region in WA, where it is known as the kimberley rose, through the Top End of the N.T. into QLD. It is hard to miss this bushy shrub, that can grow up to three metres, which flowers from late May to August. During this period the bush, which seems to be everywhere, comes alive with its beautiful deep pink to purple, starlike flowers.

One of the wonderful qualities of Turkey Bush is that it stops the inner critic, which takes the pleasure away from artistic pursuits by dismissing them as not being good enough or terrible etc. It can often lead to the would-be artist doubting their own creative ability. Once the inner critic is silenced, people can just simply enjoy the process of painting or drawing etc. for its own sake and with renewed artistic confidence. Turkey Bush also helps tap into one’s creative flow and energy - it not only enhances one’s creativity and expression, but works to also clear any creative blocks.

I first presented Turkey Bush at a residential workshop back in 1987 and each participant was given a dose of Turkey Bush, a blank canvas, water colours and instruction on how to paint with them. They were sent off into the bush to do an art work. Many participants complained - which I ignored, that they couldn’t paint or had never done it before. Three hours later when they came back, I collected all the paintings and chose one to make a flyer for an invitation that went out to all their friends and family. The invitation was to attend the opening night of a weekend exhibition in a gallery a month later after the workshop. 

All the paintings were wonderful and it was fantastic to see people who a month earlier had said they couldn’t paint proudly standing under their painting describing it to all who had gathered. Ever since that workshop the art process has been used in conjunction with Turkey Bush in the Level 1 Workshop. Some participants have told me at the workshop that they weren’t going to come because there was an art process involved. But they had such a great experience doing it after taking the Turkey Bush that they were very grateful that they had attended the workshop. Turkey Bush also helps to clear old embarrassment, shame or cruel criticism that a person may have received about their creativity, especially as a child or younger person. 

For established artists, Turkey Bush can help them transcend limitations and keep in touch with their creative vision. It is of great assistance to writers, painters and musicians who are going through a period when they lack inspiration. This remedy allows them to contact their Higher Self and tap into their creativity once more. It’s a fantastic remedy! In next week’s testimonial and video newsletter I’m including an article – and images, of how an Australian artist is creating art pieces based around the person and the Bush Essences they are taking.

As well as having a Universal Year 6 one may also be in a Personal Year 6. For someone born on the 6th of April 1976, add the numbers of their birth date up and keep breaking it down till it falls between 1 and 9. So, 6 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 33, which becomes 3 + 3 = 6. Someone born on this date will be in a Personal Year 6 for all of 2022. In 2023 they will be in a Personal Year 7.

One's home is very important in a Year 6 and some people express their creativity by changing the decor of their home. Many people intuitively prefer to work more at home in a Year 6. If there's any conflict in the home, then spraying either the Space Clearing or the Emergency Essence Space Mist will be very important. Especially so for all Tall Mulla Mulla constitutional types, who hate conflict in their home at any time, let alone in a Year 6. A Year 6 also brings relationships to the fore, in particular intimate relationships. If you're not in a relationship, there's a greater likelihood of one beginning in a Year 6 than in any other year in this 9-year cycle. If you're already in a relationship a Year 6 lends the opportunity for the relationship to go deeper and be renewed. If however, the couple have drifted very far apart then relationships like this can quite likely end in a Year 6. Relationship Essence would be very advantageous for a couple if one or both are entering a Personal Year 6.

I have been working continuously with Numerology for 44 years and I have done the chart of every one of my patients during that time - not to mention friends and family! I love how it allows you to quickly understand a person within 15 seconds of getting their birth date. If you would like to learn Numerology and how to tie it in with the Bush Essences, please click the link below for information about my 8 weeks numerology and ABFE webinar.

In a few weeks’ time, on the 21st of December, the Solstice will mark the entering of the new season.

For those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere we will be entering summer. This can be a very good time and very beneficial to start taking the White Light Essence Air to help align you to this new season. Those of you in the Northern Hemisphere will be entering winter and the corresponding White Light Essence for this season is Fire.

Eleven days after the Solstice we will be entering the New Year, 2023, which will be a Universal Year 7. The energy of a 7 is deep inner contemplation, spirituality and the learning of lessons. May it be a year of great happiness and joy for you and I look forward to sharing my next update with you on the second Tuesday of February.

Much Love, Light and Respect


Founder & Managing Director


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