Ian's Update

11 min read

Ian's April 2020 Newsletter - part 1

April 14, 2020
In this article I discuss the Bush & Spiritual Essences, along with practical tips and suggestions, to help keep you in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance during Covid-19
Ian's April 2020 Newsletter - part 1

Welcome to my Update, which is the first instalment of your April newsletter. How are you coping at the moment? We are all going through an unprecedented time where things are changing rapidly, on an almost daily level. Many states and countries have entered lockdown. 

In this article I will discuss the Bush & Spiritual Essences along with practical tips and suggestions to help keep you in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance. Very shortly I will be sending you information about two new products developed specifically to address many aspects of Covid-19 and the impact
it is having on everyone. Stay tuned!

Keep your sense of humour
We are being constantly bombarded with so much information, emotional intensity and life complexity, yet it is crucial to maintain our balance. It’s very important during these times that we take the time to take a deep breath and relax our bodies. The ability to be present is very much the key for what we are going through. Keeping your sense of humour and having some fun during this time will also keep your inner child happy and playful, which will allow you to feel a lot lighter. Little Flannel Flower is a wonderful Essence to assist this. In my recent Instagram post I suggested grounding yourself in Nature and calling in your Spiritual Guidance and Protection.

It’s very important during these times that we take the time to take a deep breath and relax our bodies. The ability to be present is very much the key for what we are going through.

On a spiritual level we all knew what we were signing up for – including this – before we came down. This virus and 5G are reminiscent of previous conflict that humanity has had with the use of technology. Many of us have lived through a similar time in Atlantis in the past. As well as keeping our bodies healthy, we also need to purify and strengthen our Light Body. At this point in time there is a multitude of spiritual beings sending us down tremendous love and support, though it is up to us to avail ourselves and open ourselves to this great gift. The White Light Angelic Essence helps with exactly this. It is so important to expand your Light Body so you can more readily receive the Light which can then go into every cell in your body. This allows your body to be filled with joy, hope and love - the bringing of the Divine back into your body. The Solar Logos Essence also brings in more light by clearing spiritual blockages within you. If you are challenged health-wise it is important to be fully present and bring the Light in to every cell in your being. If you are healthy you are needed to radiate out your Light at this time. Gymea Lily helps you let yourself be seen for who you truly are, while Mt Pinatubo, from the Light Frequency Essences range, helps to bring your Higher Self more fully present and your spiritual essence to be seen. In response to all the negative barrage we are being exposed to it’s important to listen to the positive voice of your own Higher Self.

Remember we’ve come to manifest the Divine Plan and to see this experience, even though not very comfortable to go through, as a catalyst to bring about great positive changes and transformation for humanity. Perhaps this may be the rebalancing of the extreme inequality that so many people experience on our planet. There is spiritual guidance from on high, the Great Counsel of Light, directing and overseeing what is unfolding. Their goal is for the evolution of the Earth and humanity on it, at this time. This virus is not something that has gone wrong, though the human part of us might like to argue with this! Take the time to ask, “what is perfect for me in all of this?” Hopefully the end result is that we will all start to act in accordance with Divine Law, which is all about love, unity, compassion, kindness, sharing and cooperation. Unfortunately, we usually only get to practise this when there is a crisis and we have to. A few months ago, when Australia was being ravaged by the bush fires there were tremendous hardships and challenges that people were facing, the very best aspects of human nature rose to the surface.

Hopefully the end result is that we will all start to act in accordance with Divine Law,
which is all about love, unity, compassion, kindness, sharing and cooperation.

Take your time
Take the time to go within and discover where you don’t feel balanced; where are your concerns, is it for yourself, vulnerable loved ones or your community? Fear may arise, but you need to know if it’s a useful fear or one which is not useful and which lowers your wellbeing. Emergency Essence can be very helpful. It contains; Grey Spider Flower to deal with fear and terror people may be experiencing; Fringed Violet to strengthen our psychic protection so we don’t pick up fears, frustration etc from others we come in contact with. So many people today, especially those born in this millennium are empaths and very sensitive to energies and vibration around them, so Fringed Violet may need to be used like an intravenous drip for the empaths at the moment; Waratah is working very much at the root chakra dealing with survival concerns as well as the third chakra to help empower. It’s also wonderful for anyone going through a ‘black night of the soul’ type of experience in dealing with the consequences of Covid 19. Crowea to help you in a state of balance and let go of worry and of course Sundew, to keep you grounded and in your body. You may want to also regularly use Space Clearing Essence Mist as it purifies and releases environments of built up negative emotional, mental and psychic energies.

During this time, I’m sure we are going to learn a lot about ourselves and there will
be great opportunities for growth and to be drawn back into our heart.

We are being told to wash our hands but equally important is to wash your auric field and wash away your negative thoughts and to stay in your Divine Nature, in your Higher Self. Even though we are in a critical point in time we are also seeing the great inventiveness and ingenuity of humanity when there is a crisis.

Here are some products to help in these challenging times:
Dog Rose
Anxiety, especially the eco-anxiety that has been surfacing worldwide since the Australian bushfires.

Dynamis Essence
When feeling drained or jaded. A dynamic boost to your well-being.

Isis Essence
For calling in the Divine Mother when you are in great pain and needing comfort. She wants to take your pain and replace it with love and courage.

Madagascar Essence
To help remove you from mass consciousness, which is made up of the thoughts and feelings of everyone who has ever lived on the planet. This includes all the negative emotions generated from previous pandemics such as the Spanish flu in 1918, the great plague and the Black Death etc.

Purifying Essence
To release and clear emotional waste and residual by-products, to clear built-up emotional baggage.

Spinifex and Tall Mulla Mulla
Both for the lung chakra. In Chinese medicine grief is connected to the lungs.

Sturt Desert Pea
This Essence is wonderful in releasing deep sadness and grief.

Water Essence
Likewise for this Essence too. It can even go deeper than the Sturt Desert Pea – which is certainly saying something!

Electro Pendants
To greatly relieve fear and distress associated with electromagnetic radiation. Brings one into balance with the natural rhythms of the earth.
Alkalising your body will help you avoid contracting this virus. Some water purifiers do this, or simply add organic bicarb soda to your drinking water. You want to get your morning urine to a pH of at least 8. You can get pH test strips from a pharmacy to check it.

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