Single Essencesconcentrate

Unlock the healing potential of nature with our Single Essences, carefully selected to address specific emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.

Explore our Range


Bush Iris - Australia

Bush Iris

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust


ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust
Little Flannel Flower - Australia

Little Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults


ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults
Illawarra Flame Tree - Australia

Illawarra Flame Tree

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSense of rejectionUncomfortable with responsibility
EnhancesConfidenceCommitmentSelf-reliance & approval


ReleasesSense of rejectionUncomfortable with responsibility
EnhancesConfidenceCommitmentSelf-reliance & approval
Billy Goat Plum - Australia

Billy Goat Plum

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesShamePhysical loathing
EnhancesSexual ease and enjoymentOpen-mindedness


ReleasesShamePhysical loathing
EnhancesSexual ease and enjoymentOpen-mindedness
Silver Princess - Australia

Silver Princess

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesAimlessFeeling flatLack of direction
EnhancesMotivationDirectionLife purpose


ReleasesAimlessFeeling flatLack of direction
EnhancesMotivationDirectionLife purpose
Red Lily - Australia

Red Lily

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesVagueDisconnectedLack of focus
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present


ReleasesVagueDisconnectedLack of focus
EnhancesGroundedFocusedLiving in the present
Mulla Mulla - Australia

Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesEmotional distress associated with exposure to heat and sun
EnhancesFeeling comfortable with fire sun and heat


ReleasesEmotional distress associated with exposure to heat and sun
EnhancesFeeling comfortable with fire sun and heat
Pink Flannel Flower - Australia

Pink Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted


ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted
Mountain Devil - Australia

Mountain Devil

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesHostilityHolding grudgesSuspiciousness
EnhancesHappinessHealthy boundariesForgiveness


ReleasesHostilityHolding grudgesSuspiciousness
EnhancesHappinessHealthy boundariesForgiveness
Pink Mulla Mulla - Australia

Pink Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up


ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up
Peach-flowered Tea-tree - Australia

Peach-flowered Tea-tree

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUncommittedEasily boredHypochondriacs
EnhancesAbility to complete projectsPersonal stability


ReleasesUncommittedEasily boredHypochondriacs
EnhancesAbility to complete projectsPersonal stability
Alpine Mint Bush - Australia

Alpine Mint Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesLack of joyBurdened by responsibility


ReleasesLack of joyBurdened by responsibility
Sturt Desert Rose - Australia

Sturt Desert Rose

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuiltRegret and remorseEasily led
EnhancesCourageConvictionTrue to self Integrity


ReleasesGuiltRegret and remorseEasily led
EnhancesCourageConvictionTrue to self Integrity
Spinifex - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSense of being a victim of illness
EnhancesAids empowerment through intuitive awareness of the body


ReleasesSense of being a victim of illness
EnhancesAids empowerment through intuitive awareness of the body
Jacaranda Essence helps individuals who struggle with indecision and constantly change their activities, providing clarity and focus to complete tasks. Unlike Sundew, which is for dreamers, Jacaranda is specifically for those who dither and are always changing their minds.


Single Essences15 ml


Red Grevillea - Australia

Red Grevillea

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others


ReleasesFeeling stuckReliant on othersOversensitive
EnhancesBoldnessIndifference to the judgment of others
Bauhinia - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance


ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance
Wild Potato Bush - Australia

Wild Potato Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesWeighed downFeeling encumbered
EnhancesAbility to move onFreedomRenews enthusiasm


ReleasesWeighed downFeeling encumbered
EnhancesAbility to move onFreedomRenews enthusiasm
Sydney Rose - Australia

Sydney Rose

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesFeeling separated; deserted; unloved or morbid
EnhancesFeeling safe and at peace Compassion Unity


ReleasesFeeling separated; deserted; unloved or morbid
EnhancesFeeling safe and at peace Compassion Unity
Banksia Robur - Australia

Banksia Robur

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDisheartened Frustrated
EnhancesEnjoyment of life Enthusiasm Interest in life


ReleasesDisheartened Frustrated
EnhancesEnjoyment of life Enthusiasm Interest in life
Red Suva Frangipani - Australia

Red Suva Frangipani

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesEmotional upheaval and rawness
EnhancesFeeling calm and nurturedEmotional resilience


ReleasesEmotional upheaval and rawness
EnhancesFeeling calm and nurturedEmotional resilience
Isopogon - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStubbornControlling personality
EnhancesLearn from past experience Relating without manipulating


ReleasesStubbornControlling personality
EnhancesLearn from past experience Relating without manipulating
Tall Yellow Top - Australia

Tall Yellow Top

Single Essences15 ml
EnhancesSense of belongingAbility to reach out


EnhancesSense of belongingAbility to reach out
Southern Cross - Australia

Southern Cross

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesVictim mentalityComplainingBitter
EnhancesPersonal powerTaking responsibilityPositivity


ReleasesVictim mentalityComplainingBitter
EnhancesPersonal powerTaking responsibilityPositivity
Lichen - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesNot knowing to look for and move into the Light when passing over
EnhancesAssists separation between the physical and etheric body


ReleasesNot knowing to look for and move into the Light when passing over
EnhancesAssists separation between the physical and etheric body
Monga Waratah - Australia

Monga Waratah

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesNeedinessCo-dependencyAddictive personality
EnhancesSelf-empowermentStrengthening one's will


ReleasesNeedinessCo-dependencyAddictive personality
EnhancesSelf-empowermentStrengthening one's will
"I am balanced and integrated and have universal protection now"

Fringed Violet Affirmation
"I am balanced and integrated and have universal protection now"

Fringed Violet Affirmation
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Your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing

Unlock the healing potential of nature with our wide range of Australian Bush Flower Essences, each carefully crafted to address specific emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances.
Unlock the healing potential of nature with our wide range of Australian Bush Flower Essences, each carefully crafted to address specific emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances.
Frequently Asked Questions

What are Flower Essences?

Flower Essences capture a plant's vibrational healing quality and life-force by working with the plant’s flowers via the traditional sunshine method, as utilised by Dr Edward Bach. Flowers are used because they are the highest embodiment of the plant. These subtle remedies, unlike aromatic oils, are scent-free and they safely harness a plant’s healing energy.

What is a Single Essence?

A Single Essence, derived from native Australian flowers by Ian White, is a concentrated stock strength, used by practitioners and individuals wanting to use the essence a great deal. These 70 essences capture a flower's unique vibrational life-force through traditional methods and are then further potentised. Single essences are diluted to make a dose bottle, which is the strength a person takes.

How effective are the Australian Bush Flower Essences?

Australian Bush Flower Essences are renowned for their effectiveness, originating in a natural health clinic and gaining global recognition among practitioners. Derived from the world's oldest and most diverse flowering plants, the Australian Bush Flower Essences boast a rich biodiversity of healing qualities. Collected from the wild, these Essences carry naturally higher levels of active compounds and a higher vibration energetically than if cultivated. Their efficacy have been verified by numerous independent studies from hospitals, universities and clinicians. The Bush Essences address contemporary issues such as communication, spirituality, adapting to technological change and the increased speed of life.

Can I administer a Single Essence directly from the bottle?

Our Single Essences are a concentrated stock that need to be diluted to form a dose bottle for daily use. To create a dose bottle, place seven drops of each Single Essence to a bottle up to 30 millilitres (or 1 ounce) in size, that is filled with a mixture of two-thirds (2/3) purified water and one-third (1/3) brandy.

How do you prepare a dose bottle?

Creating a Bush Essence dose bottle is simple. Add seven drops of the chosen stock strength essence or essences to a bottle up to 30 mls (or 1 ounce) in size. Fill the bottle with a mixture of two-thirds (2/3) purified water and one-third (1/3) brandy. This prepared dose bottle is then used by taking seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for two to four weeks. Spiritual Essences are prepared and taken in a similar way though you add seven drops of the chosen stock strength essence to a bottle up to 15 mls (or 1/2 ounce) in size.