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Featured in this article
Learn all about this unique state floral emblem and how it can be used for people who are a little socially inept or awkward and overly focused on self. This Essence can help transform people with these aspects in to being more sensitive as well as helping them to be comfortable, relaxed and able to enjoy social interactions.

Kangaroo Paw
Thank you Kangaroo Paw for coming to the aid of a 10-year-old client. Family dynamics had changed for JC and his siblings since mum returned to work after 10 years. JC disclosed to his dad that he couldn’t understand why his mates were suddenly not including him in computer game competitions which had become the norm during COVID-19 lockdowns. He admitted he isolated himself and only liked company involving sporting activities at which he was very competitive. Kangaroo Paw came to mind to help this 10-year-old approaching adolescence.
When he first started taking Kangaroo Paw he reported sleeping better and focused on making a series of football videos with a mate rather than playing computer games. As a family, they started non-competitive recreational activities with the emphasis on being together and simply having fun. The change in family dynamics and behaviour was evident on a subtle level and had a ripple effect upon all family members in a beneficial way.
Later JC reconnected with an old friend who was being bullied. He took him under his wing and his family also extended a hand of support. His mum noticed that he had almost finished the bottle of Kangaroo Paw over a six-week period, taking it when he felt like it. The subtle effect of the flower essences had obviously been working quietly behind the scenes. The positive aspect of Kangaroo Paw shone through, with JC reaching out a hand of kindness to his friend who had been isolating himself due to potential issues at home. JC’s sensitivity had tapped into the needs of his friend and taken him out of his comfort zone helping him to relate to others with a deepened sense of compassion, caring and kindness. He was generally enjoying the company of others in a more relaxed way with ease.
Deb Sharpe, VIC
I just wanted you to know how gorgeous I think your skincare range is. I have used the Woman’s Essence Cream for quite a while and love it on my face and recently tried the Purifying Cream Cleanser. The first time I used it on my face I took a deep breath, breathed in the beautiful scent and felt my whole body just relax – like my whole body was purified for the day. I get the same feeling every time I use it days later. Thank you for these fabulous products. I can’t wait to get the whole range. In health and happiness.
Kirsty Lakstins-Adams, WA
I recently had an amazing case. He was a six-year-old boy who had been diagnosed as having ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, eating disorders, learning and speaking problems...the lot. His behaviour was outrageous – he put his younger brother in hospital several times! He had slept only 3 or 4 hours out of every 24 from the time he was a baby. He had been assessed at school as being mid preschool standard and he had no social skills. He wouldn’t go out of the house unless forced and fought violently with any kids he did get to play with. He made life hell for everyone. I gave him a mix of Fringed Violet, Sundew, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Dog Rose, Macrocarpa and Kangaroo Paw. From the sixth day after starting the mix there was marked improvement. He willingly went to visit his grandmother and allowed her to give him a hug – something he had never done before. And on the same day his speech teacher commented that for the first time since she had been working with him he was actually listening and responding. By the time the next school year started he was reassessed and found to be middle of the range for his age at reading and comprehension. His new teacher didn’t even know he had any problems. His mother said to me: “I feel for the first time since he was born that I have a normal child!”
Marie Matthews, NSW