Single Essences15 ml

Little Flannel Flower


Little Flannel Flower Essence deals with the child aspect in us all. It addresses the...

Flower Details

Little Flannel Flower Essence deals with the child aspect in us all. It addresses the expression of playfulness, being carefree and spontaneous joy. It is for people who regard life as a very sombre and serious experience. It is also for children who tend to grow up much too quickly, who take on the troubles of the world and get old before their time. It helps children get in contact with their spirit guides. Its delicate, tiny, white flowers cover the bush with a blanket of colour and white light, yet it is easily overlooked due to its size.

Negative Condition
  • Denial of the 'child' within
  • Seriousness in children
  • Grimness in adults
Positive Outcome
  • Carefree
  • Playfulness
  • Joyful

Our Single Essences need to be diluted before use. Learn how to prepare a dosage bottle here and purchase empty bottles here.


Vibrational infusion of flowers, Brandy (21-23% alcohol), Purified Water.

How To Use

Preparation of Dosage Bottles: Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Preparation of Combination Essences: Place seven (7) drops of each Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Once a Dose Bottle or Combination Essence has been prepared using this Single Essence, the recommended dose is seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for two to four weeks.


ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults

New to the Bush Essences?

Little Flannel Flower - Australia Little Flannel Flower - Australia

Single Essences are concentrated stock and need to be diluted for daily use. Creating your own dose bottle is simple just add purified water, brandy and your chosen Essence(s) for a personalised remedy.

Little Flannel Flower - Australia Little Flannel Flower - Australia

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Trusted in households since 1986