Ian's Update

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Ian's November 2022 Newsletter

November 09, 2022
Ian's November 2022 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Tall Mulla Mulla - Australia

Tall Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesFearful of mixing with othersAvoids confrontation
EnhancesFeeling relaxed with others Encourages interaction


ReleasesFearful of mixing with othersAvoids confrontation
EnhancesFeeling relaxed with others Encourages interaction
Pink Mulla Mulla - Australia

Pink Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up


ReleasesGuarded persona to prevent hurtKeep people at distance
EnhancesTrusting and opening-up
Mulla Mulla - Australia

Mulla Mulla

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesEmotional distress associated with exposure to heat and sun
EnhancesFeeling comfortable with fire sun and heat


ReleasesEmotional distress associated with exposure to heat and sun
EnhancesFeeling comfortable with fire sun and heat
Wild Potato Bush - Australia

Wild Potato Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesWeighed downFeeling encumbered
EnhancesAbility to move onFreedomRenews enthusiasm


ReleasesWeighed downFeeling encumbered
EnhancesAbility to move onFreedomRenews enthusiasm
Spinifex - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSense of being a victim of illness
EnhancesAids empowerment through intuitive awareness of the body


ReleasesSense of being a victim of illness
EnhancesAids empowerment through intuitive awareness of the body

This is the conclusion to my last month’s Update discussing my recent essence making trip to the Red Centre.

Tall Mulla Mulla has one central stem that then branches out, quite unlike the other two plants that I work with in this genus, Pink Mulla Mulla and Mulla Mulla. The latter has myriad stems that form big clumps but no central stem. Both Tall Mulla Mulla and Pink Mulla Mulla tend to be loners and this can be seen in their Doctrine of Signatures, where though they both have flowering heads with a multitude of flowers, only one of their flowers will be fully open at any one time. The Tall Mulla Mulla flower is exceptionally bendy and flexible, very appropriate as they are masters at getting themselves out of any confronting situation they find themselves in. They hate conflict and this is the main reason they prefer to be away from other people.

A Pink Mulla Mulla flower is actually a flowering head composed of many individual blooms. But there will be one, and only one, of the flowers fully opened and looking very alone and vulnerable. The buds around this bloom point out from the flower and resemble raised swords, - very sharp, piercing and going in all directions. It is as if they are on guard and wary, protecting and not letting anyone get close to this very vulnerable one that's daring to open up. Yet both the buds and flower are tinged with pink. In colour therapy pink represents love. 

Interestingly, the water left in the bowl after the flowers are removed when making the Pink Mulla Mulla, is pink. It is the only mother tincture that is coloured. Pink Mulla Mulla individuals are wanting love, but are afraid that if they let people close to them then they will be hurt by them. Therefore, they push people away and prefer to be alone. 

A Pink Mulla Mulla bush is comprised of many stems emanating from a central point just above the ground. Each stem carries a flowering head atop of it. These stems are not overly close to other stems, there is a lot of distance between each one. This is in sharp contrast to Mulla Mulla, which is a small bush, but whose flowers are all very close together forming a dense clump.  There is also more stiffness in the Pink Mulla Mulla flower compared to the Mulla Mulla flower.



I didn't perceive any new qualities about Mulla Mulla when making this essence up, though I had a very nice time tuning into and meditating with this bush. However, many days after replenishing this essence, and in a very different location, I came across an incredibly stunning Mulla Mulla plant. I have never seen one with such intensity and strong red colour – so perfect for this essence in working with heat and fire.  This plant literally stopped me in my tracks when I saw it. 

I instantly knew that I needed to make an essence up from this plant, even though I already had enough from my earlier essence making. Whilst making it I received the message to blend this new mother tincture 50/50 with the one I had just made previously. I can't wait for people to start working with this combined blend, it has so much oomph and power.

With Wild Potato Bush this trip I was very aware of both its five stamens and five petals. Five in numerology relates to freedom and hating restriction.  Of course, this is a main quality of this essence - helping one to deal with the frustration of physical restriction and limitation. This flower’s two colours are yellow and purple. The former helps you to have an intellectual awareness and understanding that we are more than just the body. There are so many examples of people you have been severely physically restricted – lost a limb, paralysed, blinded etc., who have all realised that there is more to life than the physical and have been able to overcome their physical restriction through their mental attitude. Purple, which represents spirituality, shows how through spiritual awareness one can accept their situation and both learn and grow from it.

Quite often when I've been making up an essence, especially when it is the very first time, I will experience the negative emotional state of what that flower’s healing quality will address and resolve. This process is referred to as a proving. I was aware that this was also similar to what Edward Bach went through when making his remedies in England in the 1930s. Though with him, a lot of the symptoms he experienced were of a physical nature. I often thought to myself that he had it much harder than me in having to deal with all those physical symptoms.

Prior to this trip I'd only ever experienced a physical proving on one occasion. That had been whilst making up the mother tincture of Wild Potato Bush. My plan that day was after making the essence to do an 8 hour walk through an area I'd not been to before and which I was very excited about. As I was clambering down from some high rocks where I left all the bowls with the Wild Potato Bush brewing, I missed my footing and in the process my big toe was bent back over itself. The pain was quite intense and the toe started swelling immediately. I wasn't sure whether it was broken or not. 

My biggest concern was about whether I'd be able to do the walk. I was aware that if I started my walk but became incapacitated halfway along and couldn't get back before dark fell, that it would get very cold in the desert at night. Also, if I didn't come back there would be alarm and people would want to find me. However, they wouldn't know where to look for me and I didn't want to waste their time and inconvenience anyone. Yet I really wanted to do this walk and had been looking forward to it for quite a long time. As I oscillated between doing the walk or being more prudent, I realised I was experiencing the very qualities of what Wild Potato Bush was all about – frustration around physical restriction.

On this year’s trip I experienced my second physical proving, this time with Spinifex. The morning of making this essence I woke up with intense, sharp, throbbing pain in my foot. I could hardly walk and unable to put any pressure on the ball of my foot. Not much fun when you are going to be trekking through the desert making an essence! I was also confused why I had the pain. It took me a little while ( I blame it on the pain! ) to of course realise that one of the qualities of Spinifex is to empower you through being able to have an emotional clarity and understanding of what's the true cause behind your physical symptoms. Some of the very positive aspects from this experience was that I not only had replenished my Spinifex mother tincture, but I also had exciting, new insights about this essence.

Much Love, Light & Respect

Ian White

Founder & Managing Director

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