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Last year I created a new Combination, the 2024 Essence, designed for that year, a Universal Year 8. The results people had with this remedy were phenomenal. Certainly, one of the highlights for me last year was people coming up to me at workshops both in Australia and overseas and excitedly sharing the wonderful outcomes that had happened after taking this Essence. Consequently, there was no way I was not going to follow up with a 2025 Essence, especially as this year we enter a Universal Year 9 and the beginning of a new nine-year cycle.
When teaching my Numerology and Bush Essence workshop, I share this Shakespearean quote when starting the topic of the nine-year cycle of the Year Numbers.
“There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune.”

Each year there is a specific energy available to us. If we understand this and know that there are favourable times and unfavourable times for various activities, then we can optimise what we focus on each year. Consequently, the results that we can achieve in areas such as relationships, learning, finance, physical wellbeing and spiritual growth will be exceptional.
To determine what the Universal Year is, add up the individual numbers of the year. ie 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9.
In numerology, a Universal Year 9 heralds the beginning of a new nine-year cycle and symbolises completion, a time to wrap up the old cycle, release the past and prepare for new beginnings. As we enter this new cycle, it’s an ideal time to reflect and align ourselves with the vibrant energies of the coming year and be open to new opportunities and possibilities.
A Universal Year 9 is a great time to make change. These can be major ones such as changing career, where you live - and even who you live with! The changes can be more subtle too, such as lifestyle, diet, exercise etc. It’s also a very good year to make new and exciting friendships, though it can also see the end of older relationships that you have outgrown. It can also be very beneficial to let go of any old emotional baggage, especially resentment and not carry it into this new cycle. I also recommend the settling of any old debts and returning anything that you have borrowed from others that is still in your possession.

I have created the new 2025 Essence to help guide you through and optimise this pivotal Universal Year 9. The 2025 Essence offers clarity, resilience and purpose, helping you to embrace any change and new opportunities with confidence, grace and ease while also being in your full power and sovereignty.
I selected seven Bush Essences for this transformative remedy which is designed to maximise and enrich your experience across all twelve months of this year. Imagine the seven chosen Essences as spokes on a large wheel, turning seamlessly and offering myriad entry points on all levels – emotional, physical, spiritual etc.

Bauhinia: Many new opportunities and possibilities are available to you in a Year 9. This was one of the first Essences I chose because it allows you to be open to and embrace change.

Bottlebrush: Bauhinia prepares you for change while Bottlebrush helps you move through major life changes and the overwhelm that often accompanies them. These changes can be physical, such as menopause, pregnancy, adolescence and even death. Or they can be situational, for example moving house, a new job, retirement, divorce – or marriage! Bottlebrush also “brushes” out the past and allows a person to let go and move on, which is so important as you enter a new cycle.

Calophyllum: Along with Sedum, it fosters a strong connection to Spirit, which gives one certainty in knowing one’s path and direction. They have tremendous resilience, determination and focus, nothing is going to stop them. They have an ancient, strong, ferocious, warrior energy and they won't let anything get in the way of where they're going.
Calophyllum develops and activates your leadership qualities which are not dependent on age or experience. They are inspiring leaders, not only do they want to point out the way, but they want to unite and bring others with them. “Come on, this is the way, let’s go!” is their clarion call. They care about others and want what's best for everyone. They have a strong sense of morality, what's right and will fight for this. This Essence gets you out of your comfort zone and pushes you to stand up and do what’s best needed for the community.
Calophyllum also allows for tolerance and the willingness to be open to hearing another’s different points of view.

Dagger Hakea: Dagger Hakea supports letting go of old resentment, leaving you emotionally lighter and ready to move forward into 2025 with an emotional “clean slate."

Five Corners: Five Corners boosts self-esteem and belief in yourself. It encourages bold action and enables you to face the year ahead and the unknown with confidence.

Gymea Lily: Gymea Lily grows on a stem up to seven metres high. It inspires you to stand tall, own your power and come into your full sovereignty during this transformational Universal Year 9. It also allows you to unapologetically embrace and present your true self for others to see who you are, as well as what you believe and stand for.

Sedum: Sedum fosters spiritual optimism and empowerment, feeling a part of and the power of Spirit.
Sedum brings in the highest source of spiritual energy to fully root and ground your Higher Self. It offers a balance of the divine masculine and feminine, inviting you to arrive fully in your body.
Sedum creates a strong sense of unity and wanting to be part of something for a higher good. It represents masses of strong, supportive individuals, all united, connected to the Light – an army of Lightworkers.
Below is the summary of what this essence can bring about and what it can help you release.

Negative Conditions
• Feeling stuck
• Resentment
• Lacking direction
• Resistance to change
• Overwhelm
• Being scattered
• Afraid of “being seen”
• Lacking belief in self
Positive Outcomes
• Spiritual optimism
• Open to change & new possibilities
• Feeling empowered
• Letting go
• Renewed confidence
• Clear purpose
• Forgiveness
• Resilience
• Activating leadership

The 2025 Essence affirmation is as follows:
“I am now standing in my full power and welcome all the wonderful possibilities unfolding in my life.”
I would recommend repeating this affirmation out loud at least seven times when taking the essence, which would normally be on rising and retiring for a minimum of two weeks.
A final suggestion to start the new year is to spray your home throughout with the Space Clearing Mist to create a clean, pristine energetic environment for you and your loved ones.
Wishing you a wonderful, happy and joyous new year and I hope that the 2025 Essence will help to make it your best one ever.