Single Essences15 ml

Pink Flannel Flower


(3)3.67 / 5.00

Pink Flannel Flower, a very rare plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, is of...

Flower Details

Pink Flannel Flower, a very rare plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, is of the same genus as two other of our Bush Essences, Flannel Flower and Little Flannel Flower. The Pink Flannel Flower is found only in a few isolated locations of the Great Dividing Range and was not seen flowering for over forty years when I first made it. 

The daisy-like centre of this flower is made up of a dense cluster of tiny pink flowers surrounded by paler pink sepals – either 11 or 12 in number. In all, the flower is about 1 cm across though there are reports of some being up to 3 cm across. It is approximately 50 –100% bigger in size than Little Flannel Flower. The height of this plant is usually from 30 – 40 cm and spreads out radially from a central base on wiry, hairy branches.

This flower is all about heart energy, which is not surprising when you observe the intensity of its pink centre. It allows one to be in a state of gratitude for all aspects of one's life and for what they are experiencing around them. Pink Flannel Flower brings about an appreciation of and helps one take delight and pleasure in, the details and little things in life; to see and be aware of the blessings in every moment. Otherwise, life can easily become dull and flat and one’s “joie de vivre” will be missing.

Masaru Emoto, the groundbreaking author of “Messages from Water”, found from his research in photographing the crystalline structure of melting frozen water, that both gratitude and love were equally the highest vibrations of any word or feeling. Having gratitude for all that one experiences and sees around them, leads to a very high level of consciousness, joy and bliss in their life together with a lightness of being. It provides a filter to see the world in a totally different light where darkness, frustration and myriad negative emotions are transmuted by joyous, grateful heart energy. Being in this state allows you to access a high-speed level of intuition and wisdom. It brings about heart intelligence and affords effective solutions for situations and challenges you may be facing.

This Essence has a great affinity for young babies whilst both in the womb and in those early years of life. Pink Flannel Flower will help keep their heart chakra open with the high, love vibration that they came in with, as they adjust to the density of our third-dimensional earthly reality.

Negative Condition
  • Feeling and seeing life to be dull, flat and lacklustre
  • Unappreciative
  • Unhappy
  • Taking for granted
  • Unmindful
Positive Outcome
  • Gratitude
  • Open-hearted
  • Joie de vivre
  • Appreciative
  • Lightness of being
Our Single Essences need to be diluted before use. Learn how to prepare a dosage bottle here and purchase empty bottles here.


Vibrational infusion of flowers, Brandy (21-23% alcohol), Purified Water.

How To Use

Preparation of Dosage Bottles: Place seven (7) drops of Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Preparation of Combination Essences: Place seven (7) drops of each Stock Essence into a 15ml to 30ml dropper bottle filled with 1/3 brandy and 2/3 purified water.

Once a Dose Bottle or Combination Essence has been prepared using this Single Essence, the recommended dose is seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for two to four weeks.


ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted

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Pink Flannel Flower - Australia Pink Flannel Flower - Australia

Single Essences are concentrated stock and need to be diluted for daily use. Creating your own dose bottle is simple just add purified water, brandy and your chosen Essence(s) for a personalised remedy.

Pink Flannel Flower - Australia Pink Flannel Flower - Australia

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Trusted in households since 1986