Ian's Update

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Ian's September 2024 Newsletter

September 10, 2024
The Interwoven Nature of Numerology and Bush Essences
Ian's September 2024 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Bush Iris - Australia

Bush Iris

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust


ReleasesMaterialismPhysical excessAvarice
EnhancesAwakening spiritualityClearing blocks in trust
Black-eyed Susan - Australia

Black-eyed Susan

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesImpatienceOvercommittedConstant striving
EnhancesSlowing downInner peace


ReleasesImpatienceOvercommittedConstant striving
EnhancesSlowing downInner peace
Wedding Bush - Australia

Wedding Bush

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDifficulty with commitment
EnhancesDedication to purpose


ReleasesDifficulty with commitment
EnhancesDedication to purpose
Bush Gardenia - Australia

Bush Gardenia

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStale relationshipsSelf-awareUnaware
EnhancesPassionImproves communication


ReleasesStale relationshipsSelf-awareUnaware
EnhancesPassionImproves communication
Little Flannel Flower - Australia

Little Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults


ReleasesSeriousness in childrenGrimness in adults
Pink Flannel Flower - Australia

Pink Flannel Flower

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted


ReleasesUnappreciativeUnhappyTaking for granted
Join Ian White, Founder and Director of Australian Bush Flower Essences, in the Numerology Online Workshop. Learn about Personal Year Cycles, Ruling Numbers, and how to select Bush Essences for chart strengths and challenges.

Numerology Online Workshop



Purifying Essence 30ml

Purifying Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesDisconnectedEmotional WasteEmotional Baggage
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned


ReleasesDisconnectedEmotional WasteEmotional Baggage
EnhancesGroundingSense of ReleaseSpring Cleaned
Water Essence 10ml

Water Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Earth Essence 10ml

Earth Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Confid Essence 30ml

Confid Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesLow Self-EsteemShynessVictim Mentality
EnhancesConfidenceIntegrityTrue To One's Self


ReleasesLow Self-EsteemShynessVictim Mentality
EnhancesConfidenceIntegrityTrue To One's Self
Focus Essence 30ml

Focus Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
EnhancesClarityFocusAssimilates Ideas


EnhancesClarityFocusAssimilates Ideas

Emergency Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength


EnhancesCourageResilienceBalanceInner Strength
Transition Essence 30ml

Transition Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesFeeling StuckLack of DirectionNon-Acceptance
EnhancesAcceptance of ChangeSerenityPassing Over In PeaceSense of Direction


ReleasesFeeling StuckLack of DirectionNon-Acceptance
EnhancesAcceptance of ChangeSerenityPassing Over In PeaceSense of Direction
Solaris Essence 30ml

Solaris Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesUpsetHeat-Related Discomfort
EnhancesResilienceEmbracing Heat Fire or Sun


ReleasesUpsetHeat-Related Discomfort
EnhancesResilienceEmbracing Heat Fire or Sun

The interconnectedness of numerology is deeply interwoven with the natural world, particularly within the Bush Essences. The way in which these flowers grow and present themselves in nature can offer us profound insights into their healing properties and how they can support us. This is known as the Doctrine of Signatures, an ancient healing concept that herbalists and healers have used for centuries. It is a concept where the physical characteristics of plants, their shape, colour and where they grow, are all indicative of the plant’s healing properties.

Knowing Numerology and the significance of what each number represents has been incredibly useful and beneficial for me in understanding aspects of the healing qualities of each of the Bush Essences.

As we now enter the peak flowering time of the Hawkesbury sandstone country, (which stretches from Newcastle in the north to Nowra in the south, with Sydney and Terrey Hills slap in the middle) so many of the Bush Essences are either already in bloom, or soon will be. What a perfect time to look at a some of the Bush Essences and their numerological Doctrine of Signatures:

Bush Iris
has three petals and this number represents the trinity, which is a key fundamental in so many of the major world religions – Hindu, Christianity, as well as metaphysical teachings.

Bush Iris is deeply connected to spiritual awareness and transformation. It allows people to open up to their spirituality and to access the doorway to their higher perceptions. It allows the trinity to flow into a person and is an excellent remedy to give someone who has just started meditation or “conscious” spiritual growth. It helps one to realise that there is more to the world than the five senses reveal.

Black-eyed Susan:
This four-petaled flower is a perfect representation of the number four in Numerology. Four is on the centre of the physical plane and is associated with a very doing, physically active person. This Essence helps a person to slow down, to not always be ‘doing’ and can help prevent them being a workaholic. Fours usually expend a lot of energy and the signature of this Essence is symbolic of drawing that energy back within.

Wedding Bush:
can be found with either five or six petals.  In Numerology you place all the numbers of a person’s birth date on a grid containing the numbers one to nine. Five is the only “landlocked number” as it has other numbers surrounding it on all sides and we joke that it is the Swissnumber. Five is also the very centre of the emotional plane and there is a very strong need and desire for freedom when five is prominent in a person’s Numerology.

Six, on the other hand, is associated with family, the home and relationships. Wedding Bush is indicated for someone who struggles with the idea of commitment to a relationship, fearing that they will lose their freedom, yet wanting all the qualities that a relationship and family offers. Sometimes this inability to commit is not even on a conscious level. Wedding Bush fosters commitment.

Bush Gardenia:
is effectively used when there is a staleness creeping into a relationship, a lack of interest in one’s partner and taking one another for granted. Flowing on from this is almost invariably a lack of passion and desire between the couple.  Bush Gardenia has predominantly 6 petals, which relates to what I mentioned above around the home, family and intimate partnerships. Interestingly, this flower can also have 7 petals, which is the number of loss and learning lessons. If you don’t resolve the staleness and lack of passion then the relationship is highly likely to end. Ironically, I have occasionally seen this flower with 8 petals, which is the number related to money and finance. If a marriage does end in divorce, then there will be a great deal of financial loss for the couple.

Little Flannel Flower:
the 10 petals of this flower match its qualities of playfulness, fun and not being too serious.

Pink Flannel Flower:
brings about a sense of gratitude for what we have in life and what is around us. It creates a real sense of joie de vivre and this flower has 11 petals. Eleven in numerology is associated with loving and appreciating beauty and things of quality. Gratitude, along with love, are the two highest spiritual states and the number 11 is also associated with spiritual awareness.

If you would like to delve deeper into numerology, then click this link to take you to our numerology quiz which will reveal your Ruling Number in numerology, as well as a brief description of the strengths and challenges. To learn even more about numerology my two-day webinar on Numerology and the Bush Essences is available to download HERE.

We have also just released a new range of remedy combinations based on numerology, with a remedy combination for each Ruling Number.

Here, in the southern hemisphere, we will be entering into spring on the 23rd of September. As we enter this new season it can be a very appropriate time to do a detox, what is often referred to as a spring clean. I highly recommend taking the Purifying Essence for two weeks and during this time also doing the cleansing diet. Energetically, taking the Water Essence from the White Light Essences range at the beginning of the season will help you transition into it very easily.

For those in the northern hemisphere, I would advise taking the Earth Essence to assist you in aligning to autumn. I would suggest taking this essence for a minimum of a week at the beginning of the new season.

As children in the northern hemisphere prepare to return to school, it’s a time that can be filled with extreme emotions. Consider the following Bush Essences that can be of great assistance for back-to-school support to help ease this transition.

Confid: For boosting self-confidence and reducing feelings of inadequacy.

Focus: To help maintain concentration and clarity during their study and learning. Of course, this would also be very helpful for adults adjusting back to work after their summer holidays

Emergency: Perfect for those first days back, helping to ease nerves and soothe any extreme feelings.

Transition: for any child starting school or going to a new school.

Solaris: not just school children, anyone really, to help them feel comfortable on any still very hot Indian summer days.

As we prepare to close out one season and begin another, I invite you to explore the essences and collections I have mentioned and allow them to support your journey towards balance, happiness and harmony in the months ahead.

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