Ian's Video Newsletter

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Ian's March 2023 Video Newsletter

March 23, 2023
Find out why indigenous people don’t like getting too close to this tree. If you are becoming too emotionally rigid, stuck in your ways or not open to change then this will be a wonderful essence to work with.
Ian's March 2023 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Bauhinia - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance


ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance
Body Beautiful Organic Essence Cream 50ml

Body Beautiful Essence Therapeutic Cream

Remedy Creams50 ml
ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self


ReleasesDislike of SelfDislike of Body Skin Texture & Touch
EnhancesEmotional Acceptance of Physical BodyLove and Nurturing of Self
Earth Essence 10ml

Earth Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Water Essence 10ml

Water Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Find out why indigenous people don’t like getting too close to this tree. If you are becoming too emotionally rigid, stuck in your ways or not open to change then this will be a wonderful essence to work with.

Three Essence Testimonials

Body Beautiful cream

Over the years the Body Beautiful cream has been my go-to moisturiser.  Its texture is smooth and moisturising, whilst not oily. It’s beautiful and it makes me feel beautiful. The days when I'm harsh on myself, the flower essences have helped ease my inner critic. I’ve noticed I feel more comfortable in my skin and am gentler and more accepting of myself. I am so grateful I have found such a nourishing skin moisturiser while also supporting my emotional wellbeing. 

 Racheal Arts, QLD

Earth Essence

I recently did the White Light essence workshop in Adelaide with Ian White. During the Earth Essence meditation I got a very strong message to give the Earth Essence to my dad (who suffers from Alzheimer’s). I spoke to Ian about giving dad the Earth Essence without first giving him the Water Essence (as 'instructed' in the meditation). Ian said to trust my intuition, so I went ahead and gave my dad the Earth Essence.

Here is what happened:

I arrived at mum and dad's house ready to take mum on a drive to the beach (they live in the Adelaide hills) and to visit her sister. Dad was sitting in the kitchen, looking out at the garden. I asked him how he was feeling, and he replied, that he was feeling a bit anxious. This often occurs as he has very low oxygen. I gave him a squirt of Earth Essence,  (he is quite used to me giving him some kind of essence, and is very open to them).  Mum got ready to go out, and then said she was ready to go. Suddenly, Dad said he wanted to come with us. Now this was a complete surprise for us, as we have been asking him to accompany us on many a journey over the past two years, and he has only left the house to attend his 80th birthday picnic at the local park, and to attend one of his sister’s funeral. We gladly arranged for him to come with us!  He seemed to enjoy the drive, and the views of the sea during our drive along the esplanade at Brighton and sat listening to the conversation over a cuppa at my auntie's house. He was a bit concerned about the time but didn't get too stressed about it. On our arrival home, he went back to his place at the kitchen table and asked a lot of questions about where we had been.

The following day I had arranged for my children and I to meet my mum in the city and go to the art gallery. She caught the bus to town and we greeted her at the bus stop - and my dad! He had decided to come on another outing!

Since then, he has accompanied mum or other family members on many outings and has been to church regularly (something that he has done for all of his life but had given up in the last few years). We have seen a new lease of life in him and are thankful that he is no longer sitting at home on his own, but coming with us, seeing his children and grandchildren and getting his feet on the earth again!

Thanks again to God and to Ian White for the White Light Essences!

Name supplied but withheld on request


I have had at least three cases - myself included – where I watched Bauhinia change people’s attitudes towards computers and related technology. It helped them in successfully studying and even enjoying and looking forward to their next computer lesson.  Whereas previously there was resistance and rejection of the idea of ‘having to deal with this ugly, impersonal, cold thing which can cause nothing but headaches’.  In all these cases – older people - there was the accompanying belief that they were ‘too old to start with something so different from what they knew’, or ‘had not developed the sort of intelligence’ that was needed for ‘entering the world of technology’ and subsequently, the study and the use of things like computers.  The change was so immediate and so apparent that they called Bauhinia ‘the magic Essence’.  Besides the above results, I witness subtle changes happening with this Essence in the behaviour and the consciousness of people who have become ‘arteriosclerotic’ in their view of certain issues, or of life in general.

Dr Marina Angeli, Athens, Greece

Much Love, Light and Respect

Ian White




Founder & Managing Director

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