Ian's Video Newsletter

4 min read

Ian’s August 2024 Video Newsletter

August 20, 2024
Explore how this majestic flower helps soften intense, domineering personalities and even arrogance, into authentic leaders, who are beacons humility and grace.
Ian’s August 2024 Video Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Gymea Lily Essence bottle and flowers. Designed for individuals with intense, extroverted personalities, this remedy addresses arrogance, bringing about humility and strength. Ideal for those seeking to balance their charismatic, demanding nature and reach new heights.

Gymea Lily

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesArrogantAttention seekingCraving status
EnhancesHumilityAwareness appreciation of others


ReleasesArrogantAttention seekingCraving status
EnhancesHumilityAwareness appreciation of others
Replenishing Night Cream - 50ml

Replenishing Night Cream

Cream50 ml
ConcernsDullnessFine Lines & WrinklesRedness
BenefitsEnhanced ElasticityYouthful AppearanceDeep Hydration


ConcernsDullnessFine Lines & WrinklesRedness
BenefitsEnhanced ElasticityYouthful AppearanceDeep Hydration

Join Ian White as he delves into the transformational qualities offered by Gymea Lily. Discover how this towering flower, known for its striking red blooms high above the ground, helps turn intense, dominating personalities and even arrogance, into beacons of humility and grace, empowering you to lead with strength while staying grounded and connected to others.


Transformative Shift with Gymea Lily

My husband definitely needed Gymea Lily for his personality. While many people, including me, love him, it must be admitted that his personality traits are exactly as listed in the Bush Flower Healing Book for Gymea Lily (extrovert, dominating, charismatic and used to getting his own way). Immediately after starting on the Essence he had much more time for others and suddenly (overnight) was prepared to listen to others and their point-of-view. It was not only me who noticed this - other people mentioned how much more pleasant he had been to deal with. His disabled sister comes for dinner nearly every night and he never makes any effort to speak to her at all (probably because she is hard to talk to and he knows I will do it) but on the first night after taking the drops he actually engaged her in a conversation about the amount of fruit she had on her trees. She and I nearly fell off our chairs in shock!

(Name withheld for confidentiality)

Radiant Skin with Replenishing Night Cream

I love the product. I love it for the natural ingredients it contains. I feel like I am doing something to benefit my health and not cause damage to my skin. I like the feeling of the product on my skin and I feel it brightens my skin and leaves it hydrated.


Humility Restored with Gymea Lily

After some bushfires in Canberra I found a 3 to 4 month old kitten abandoned in the street. I took her home and named her Ani. We already had an older male cat called Monty – he is a very easy-going animal who loves food and is very peaceful and affectionate. From the moment she entered the household, Ani made Monty’s life miserable by continually attacking him and beating him up. The old cat was completely bewildered by this treatment. Ani gave him no peace. She was not respecting him at all. I decided to give her Gymea Lily to help her deal with her need to be centre stage and to awaken her humility. After only one dose she retreated into a cupboard – an overreaction – but her behaviour improved and harmony reigned for a while.

Christine Cobden-Groothuis, ACT

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