Ian's Update

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Ian's March 2023 Newsletter

March 09, 2023
The equinox is approaching, bringing equal amounts of light and dark to both hemispheres. It marks spring in the North and autumn in the South. Autumn signifies letting go of the old and making room for new growth. 
Ian's March 2023 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
White Light Pyramid Pack

White Light Pyramid Pack

Spiritual Essences


Earth Essence 10ml

Earth Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Water Essence 10ml

Water Essence 10ml

Spiritual Essences10 ml


Crowea - Australia


Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesA sense of being not quite right
EnhancesPeace calm & balanceClarity of feelings


ReleasesA sense of being not quite right
EnhancesPeace calm & balanceClarity of feelings
Sunshine Wattle - Australia

Sunshine Wattle

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future


ReleasesStuck in the pastExpectations of a grim future
EnhancesOptimismAcceptanceOpen to a bright future
Peach-flowered Tea-tree - Australia

Peach-flowered Tea-tree

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesUncommittedEasily boredHypochondriacs
EnhancesAbility to complete projectsPersonal stability


ReleasesUncommittedEasily boredHypochondriacs
EnhancesAbility to complete projectsPersonal stability
Woman Essence 30ml

Woman Essence

Remedy Drops30 ml
ReleasesMood SwingsWearyPhysical Dislike
EnhancesEmotional Balance Physical AcceptanceSelf AppreciationFemale Life Cycle Balance


ReleasesMood SwingsWearyPhysical Dislike
EnhancesEmotional Balance Physical AcceptanceSelf AppreciationFemale Life Cycle Balance
Autumn Leaves - Australia

Autumn Leaves

Single Essences15 ml
ReleasesDifficulties in the transition of passing over
EnhancesLetting go and moving on


ReleasesDifficulties in the transition of passing over
EnhancesLetting go and moving on

In a few days’ time the equinox will be here, where in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres there will be an equal amount of light and dark. The equinox also marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere whilst here in the Southern Hemisphere, it's the beginning of autumn.

In autumn the old drops away to allow for the new to come forward in the winter. It is a time for rebuilding, relaxation and review. It is a time for great growth, as you begin to cut away the dead wood. Bottlebrush, Black-eyed Susan and Calm & Clear, which contains both the former, are all well indicated during this time.

Autumn corresponds to the element of Earth and taking the White Light Essences remedy Earth allows you to energetically align yourself to the new season. This is one of seven White Light Essences that I made in high energy locations around the planet over a four-year period. The Earth Essence, apart from aligning you to the element of earth and to autumn, helps heal internal structure and order in life. It is a very important grounding remedy, especially for those doing a great deal of spiritual work. It allows you to tune into the subtle realms and vibrations, excellent for anyone working with flower or spiritual essences. It also enables Lightworkers to be centred, grounded, to find their direction, drive and move forward with clarity, focus and purpose.


To prepare the Earth Essence I had to travel to a small remote village in northwest India, very close to the Tibetan border. I had some serious concerns when I received the message in meditation that this is where the Earth Essence had to be prepared. In a previous trip there four years earlier I was very sick with dysentery and nearly died. The essence was made in a very sacred cave long mentioned in Hindu sacred texts. Three thousand years ago, an Indian king, who had been lost from his hunting party, came upon the cave. As he was royalty, he was invited by Sheshnag, a Hindu deity who takes the form of a cobra, to enter the cave.  There the king observed many Hindu deities in prayer. After his visit the cave was closed, though the scriptures foretold it would be re-opened by a soldier after 3000 years. This happened in the mid 1990s when the Indian army Commander for this very sensitive area, that borders with China, came to the village. A few months earlier he had had a dream where Sai Baba, his guru, had taken him inside this very same cave. The Commander organised army engineers to put lighting within the cave complex, which has many sections and covers the underground equivalent of about a football field. Within the cave are naturally occurring rock formations depicting these same Hindu deities in prayer. There are many legends associated with entering the cave, such as clearing twenty-one generations of karma and restoring your full twelve strands of DNA. The energy inside the cave is quite remarkable and certainly worth the very elaborate journey along treacherous roads, criss-crossing the Himalayas.

There are some marked differences between the White Light Essences and the Bush Essences. The former should only be taken singly and not combined. Also, it's highly recommended that you take the Water Essence first for at least one week before taking any of the other six White Light Essences.  This will greatly enhance and activate the other six essences as well as allowing for the flowing expansion of your reality.

If you wish to start with the Earth Essence to align to autumn, there is time to have a week on the Water Essence before the equinox and then commence the Earth Essence.


If living in the Northern Hemisphere the Water Essence is the remedy aligning to the element of Water and to spring. The Water Essence was made in two different locations, one being the isle of Iona on the West Coast of Scotland, while in the Southern Hemisphere I travelled to Heron Island in the Great Barrier Reef to prepare the essence. They were both then alchemically blended to create the single Water Essence.

The Water Essence is exceptionally deep acting allowing you to intensely experience any of your own emotional disharmony so that it may be purified and released. This essence illuminates our conscious mind to reveal and initiate the release of our deepest, most ancient, negative, karmic patterns. It enables us to find the inner stillness in which to experience our feelings fully and achieve emotional harmony. It helps one from staying emotionally closed off after a negative or traumatic experience.

There are four Bush Essences which only flower during the autumn and I would invite you to reflect on these four essences to see if they might be relevant to you during this coming season.


Crowea, which is the most widely used of all 69 Bush Essences is also included in seven of our combination remedies. Crowea helps bring about a sense of balance and is fantastic if you’re feeling out of sorts or not quite right.

Sunshine Wattle, so striking when the sun is shining on its vibrant yellow stamens, is a wonderful essence to help bring about hope and optimism. It was the tree the early white explorers were intuitively drawn to in making their huts when they first arrived in Australia in 1788. They experienced very challenging conditions with lack of food and equipment and the early settlement nearly perished. Not surprising then that they chose to make their homes from Sunshine Wattle which also connected them to the hope and optimism that this plant provides.

Peach-flowered Tea-tree is quite striking with its initially pink flowers which gradually fade and turn to white. This changeability is a keynote for this flower’s healing qualities.  It's a very important component of the Woman Essence, where it helps address emotional fluctuation. Back in the mid 1980s I was invited to appear on my first national TV show. I was asked to bring in several of the flowers I worked with. On the morning of the show when I was out collecting the plants, I kept seeing the presenter’s face superimposed over all the flowering Peach-flowered Tea-trees. At that point I didn't know the quality of this flower however the presenter was very well known and had a reputation for getting bored with things very quickly. In fact, he had twice got up in the middle of reading the television news stating. “Why was he wasting his time reading such rubbish” and got up and left the studio. Not your typical news reader who are usually very bland and show no emotion even when they're reading out news about horrendous tragedies around the world! Within the industry he was known as being a hypochondriac and for being emotionally very up and down. All these qualities I subsequently discovered were addressed by Peach-flowered Tea-tree and I certainly understood why I saw his face superimposed on these trees that morning. Fortunately for me he really loved flowers and our four-minute interview extended to eight, wonderful exposure for the Bush Essences which, at that time were not so well known.

If you know the Bush Essences, then I'm sure you'll guess the fourth essence prepared in autumn – yes, it's the Autumn Leaves. Autumn is a dropping away of the old, but it doesn't go out quietly, it goes out with a bang and visually is the most spectacular of the seasons as the leaves turn to beautiful reds, oranges and golds. Autumn Leaves, which is part of the Transition Essence, is not made from flowers, only from leaves. This essence allows one to hear, see and feel communication from the other side and be open to that guidance and communication. It also provides a sense of letting go and moving on in a very profound way. The leaves are collected at the exact moment of their release from the tree. This essence will ease the passing over from the physical plane to the spiritual world.

May your transition into the new season be smooth and bring about great growth and awareness for you.

Much Love, Light and Respect

Ian White




Founder & Managing Director

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