Fringed Violet

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Ian's February 2025 Newsletter

February 11, 2025
Ian's February 2025 Newsletter
Featured in this article
Featured in this article
Alpine Mint Bush - Australia

Alpine Mint Bush

Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesLack of joyBurdened by responsibility


ReleasesLack of joyBurdened by responsibility
Carer's Essence 30ml

Carer's Essence

Remedy Drops30 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength
Carer's Essence empowers caregivers, fostering inner strength and resilience in the face of overwhelm. It cultivates calmness, optimism, coping abilities, and encourages self-care, ensuring their own needs are attended to.

Carer's Essence Bundle

Remedy Bundle30 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength

$39.90 $34.90

ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength
Carers Oral Spray 30ml

Carers Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Spray30 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened By ResponsibilityOverconcern
EnhancesFeeling CalmSelf CareRenewalInner Strength
Mumma Mojo Essence Bundle

Mumma Mojo Essence Bundle

ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal

$39.95 $34.90

ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal
Mumma Mojo Essence - 30ml

Mumma Mojo Remedy Essence

Remedy Drops30 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal
Mumma Mojo Oral Spray 30ml

Mumma Mojo Essence Oral Spray

Remedy Drops30 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal


ReleasesOverwhelmBurdened by Responsibility
EnhancesResiliencePeace & CalmEnthusiasmRenewal
Bauhinia - Australia


Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance


ReleasesResistance to changeRigidityReluctance
Bottlebrush - Australia


Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesOverwhelmed by major life changes
EnhancesSerenity and calmAbility to cope


ReleasesOverwhelmed by major life changes
EnhancesSerenity and calmAbility to cope
2025 Essence 30ml

2025 Essence

Remedy Drops30 mL
ReleasesResistance to ChangeFeeling StuckResentmentLacking Direction
EnhancesFeeling EmpoweredOpen to New PossibilitiesForgivenessSpiritual Optimism


ReleasesResistance to ChangeFeeling StuckResentmentLacking Direction
EnhancesFeeling EmpoweredOpen to New PossibilitiesForgivenessSpiritual Optimism
Calophyllum - Australia


Single Essences15 mL
ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership


ReleasesLack of commitmentStaying in comfort zone
EnhancesResilienceStrong sense of moralityLeadership

Blessings and peace to you as we commence the Chinese year of the Snake. 

I have just returned from the snowy mountains, one of the Alpine areas of Australia, having gone there to do some added research on Alpine Mint Bush.

It's a 7 hour drive one way to get there. Fortunately, I have a wonderful local contact, Gilly Crundwell,  who lets me know when it's out in flower. I was going to drive down 3 weeks later, but Gilly, who gave me my first cross country ski lesson over 30 years ago, told me it had come into flower very early this season and to get here quickly! 

Gilly has been a guide and ranger in the mountains for many years and I couldn't wish for a better contact person than her. This trip she also very kindly filmed me talking about Alpine Mint Bush, which will be the subject next week of my monthly video newsletter. 

Filming was a challenge as there were so many March flies buzzing around and biting me as I sat amongst a clump of Alpine Mint Bush. Gilly told me that would have been impossible to film when it was out in full bloom a few weeks earlier as there were so many more March flies around then. This is because the March flies are the pollinator of this plant.

Thankfully, much later in the afternoon and when it was a lot cooler the March flies had greatly dissipated in number and I was able to tune in and meditate on the Alpine Mint Bush. From this I was able to receive some very clear messages and gain some subtle, new insights about this essence. 

I had a very strong sense at how this essence helps caregivers to feel very grounded and strong in themselves.  It also brings about a contentment and acceptance of their caring role. The message I received from the plant was, “I've got broad shoulders to look after myself and others”. Looking inside the flower, you can “see” a young woman in a long white dress with gold polka dots, who appears to be dancing and celebrating. There's very much a sense of joy with her. This is a very important quality to create for carers whose work can be very intense, laborious and long.  

The healing quality of this essence is to rejuvenate those people in service or who care and take responsibility for other people. It is for those who work as carers, giving much of themselves both physically and emotionally and who are in danger of burning out. It revitalises and invokes in them a renewed enthusiasm and joy in what they do.

This remedy is very good for health practitioners or counsellors who are listening to people's problems, whether emotional or physical, all day long, day in, day out, needing always to stay very focused and intuitive. They are constantly in the position of making decisions which they know will seriously affect the lives of others and of having people rely on their expertise and knowledge.

Alpine Mint Bush is also highly appropriate for people who are working in roles where they have to make choices that affect the welfare of others, but from a more detached position than the caregivers and counsellors. These people are constantly having to juggle with and make decisions that will greatly impact on the lives of others. This could be, for example, a hospital administrator, responding to budgetary cuts by closing down a certain number of beds in the hospital.

Alpine Mint Bush is also an especially beneficial essence for someone looking after a family member on a caring basis who is on call 24 hours a day. This may involve looking after a handicapped or invalid child; a young family; a partner who has become a quadriplegic or paraplegic; or attending to an elderly parent or partner with Alzheimer's disease. People in situations such as this can commonly suffer from varying degrees of compassion burnout sooner or later.

Last year the Australian government released the figures below based on data collected in 2022. The figures are astounding! There are so many people who would greatly benefit from Alpine Mint Bush. 


  • 5.5 million Australians (21.4%) had disability, up from 17.7% in 2018.
  • 15.0% of people aged 0-64 years had disability, compared with 52.3% of people aged 65 years and over.
  • Disability prevalence was similar for males (21.0%) and females (21.8%).
  • 7.9% of all Australians had a profound or severe disability.

Older people

  • 17.1% of Australians were aged 65 years and over (up from 15.9% in 2018).
  • 95.9% of older Australians were living in households, while 4.1% lived in cared-accommodation.
  • 52.3% of older Australians had disability, and 86.6% had one or more long term health conditions.
  • 39.8% of older Australians living at home needed some assistance with everyday activities.


  • There were 3.0 million carers, representing 11.9% of all Australians living in households (up from 10.8% in 2018).
  • 12.8% of all females were carers, compared with 11.1% of all males.
  • There were 391,300 young carers (under the age of 25), up from 235,300 in 2018.
  • There were 1.2 million primary carers in Australia, and of these, 43.8% had disability themselves.

There are very few disciplines within allopathic and complementary medicine, or counselling with a system in place to provide individual practitioners with support, regular checking, counselling and appraisal of their emotional and mental wellbeing by a mentor or colleague. At my workshops, I highly recommend all practitioners take this essence for at least two weeks every year. In the Alpine Mint Bush chapter in my book Bush Flower Healing, I have compiled a checklist for practitioners designed to improve the quality of both their personal and professional lives.

For me, the most salient aspect of the doctrine of signature of Alpine Mint Bush Is that it usually grows with two buds alongside each other. One will come out first and when that one starts to fade and is way past its peak the second will come into full bloom. It's almost as if the vibrant healthy bloom is looking after the impaired one.

Alpine Mint Bush is the key remedy in both the Carers and Mumma Mojo Remedy Essences.

As mentioned earlier we just entered the year of the snake. Snakes shed their skin, so this year can be a most transformative year with major life changes. This ties in very much with the fact that numerologically we’re in a Universal Year 9 which is all about new beginnings and a time when making changes is usually very beneficial. One of the Snake’s greatest strengths is their flexibility. Last month I launched the 2025 Essence, that contains both Bauhinia and Bottlebrush which respectively help one to be open to change and cope with change when it occurs. The feedback, left on our website from those already taking this essence has been spectacular. Below are some verified testimonials left on our website by customers.

"I am a 73 years old man with exceptional health and well being as I work at it continually. I have noticed my sleep has started to improve my commitment and desire to my daily wellbeing has risen and it was pretty high to start with. My desire to hold my tongue and think before I act has been noticeable to me as well. Cheers Max"


"This has been an amazing journey to use, from Day One. Day One felt like I was hoovering it down every 2 hours. My body, my mind and my being seemed to need it. My dreaming has been heightened, with my strong messages coming through. I feel more confident, clearer about my direction forward and a confidence that I have never experienced before. An exciting journey."


Also in the 2025 Essence is Calophyllum for resilience, developing your leadership and getting out of your comfort zone, also important aspects in the Year of the Snake.

This is also a year for hidden secrets to come to the surface and be revealed. American President Trump a few days ago declared that he will release all the hidden files on the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy as well as Martin Luther King. Fauci’s full involvement in the creation of SARS-CoV-2—and concealment of its true origin in time, will be further revealed. Interesting that Fauci, one of the great criminals in human history and a true servant of the dark, was pardoned by ex-president Biden in one of his last acts in office. The dark tends to look after their own!

On a more positive note, President Trump’s withdrawal of the United States from the World Health Organisation (WHO) marks a turning point in severing subservience to a globalist organisation that is heavily influenced by Bill Gates and his cronies from the World Economic Forum and which prioritises profits over lives and health. Hopefully other countries will follow suit in withdrawing.

Robert F Kennedy Jr is in the process of being confirmed as Trump’s Secretary for Health and Human Services. He is one of the few people seemingly brave enough to take on the globalist interests, especially Big Pharma; attempt to restore integrity to US ailing health system and prioritise individuals’ health over Big Pharma profits. Kennedy gives me hope for where humanity is heading, I hope that I am not wrong.

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